Chapter 13

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Sarah's POV

So the party is in an hour I went to take a quick shower and put my outfit (outfit above) on and did my  makeup. Then the door bell rang. The guys were here. After about an hour of talking we started to play spin the bottle.
"Ok I'm gonna spin first" said Ethan. He spun the bottle and it landed on... Ashlyn.. haha everyone got silent for a second then they kissed. They kissed for about a minute or two. So now Ashlyn has to spin and it landed on...Kian. I saw the scaredness in her eyes because I can tell she likes Kian but doesn't know how to tell him. They kissed they both smiled and there faces got really red. Then it was Kian's turn. It landed on... Grayson.. they both freaked kissed once then started screaming. It was really funny to see ever was crying from laughing to hard. It was Gray's turn it landed on... Ashlyn they kissed it lasted a minute or so. We spun a few more times it was Jc's turn to spin it landed on... me. Everyone got silent especially Gray. Me and Jc kissed it lasted about 4 minutes. I could tell Gray got jealous he looked a little tense after my kiss with Jc. After a while longer we quit playing.

*An hour later*

We decided to watch a scary movie. So Gray and Ashlyn went to go get snacks from the kitchen. They were in there for almost 20 minutes so me and the guys decided to go check on them we walked in the the door. We all stopped in aww. It went Ethan, Jc, me, and Kian. And well all said
We all stood there and said it in that order. We couldn't.. I couldn't believe what we saw when we walked in the kitchen.

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