Part 17

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Louis' POV

I carried Harry over to the sofa and placed him on it gently, I held back my tears as i slowly took his shirt off. I can't cry, not now. Harry needs me. When I took his shirt off I could no longer hold back the tears, Harry's torso was covered in purple and black bruises, not an inch of his skin was not injured. His eyes suddenly flew open and his green orbs were not filled with life,they were full of fear. "NO!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"he screamed, I grabbed his hand and gently stroked his un-injured cheek.

He looked at me and he burst out into tears "Lou, they wouldn't stop. I screamed and screamed but they wouldn't stop, they called me so many things and they hurt me so bad. i don't wanna live anymore! It's obvious I dont belong here!" he screamed, I held on to his hand tighter and moved his face so that he had to face me "Harry you do not how wrong you are, you deserve to be here! It's those twats that don't belong here! You can't leave because...because we all love you! now tell me who did this to you"I said sternly, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"n-n-no it doesn't matter"He stammered, I shook my head and then I remembered about the cut on Harry's cheek "I will be right back, but at some point you are telling me who hurt you" I mumbled before jumping up and heading towards the back room..

Harry's POV

I don't want to live anymore, I have nothing to live for. No-one loves me apart from Louis,Mia,Niall,Liam and Zayn but they probably just think I'm a lonely disapointment. The things those boys said to me, they called me things like slut,ugly,worthless,fag,gaylord,misfit,emo, fat, they are all true. Louis walked back in with a first aid kit in one hand and an ice pack in another.

Hr crouched down beside me and gently placed the ice pack on my chest, I flinched because of the pain but sighed when the coldness numbed it. He pulled out a bandage and placed it over the gash on my cheek "So Harry, what happened?"He asked, I sighed and looked at him. He stared back at me waiting for me to answer "Well, I just left my dorm and was heading here cause I thought you wanted me to come. I was walking down the road and two guys dragged me into a alley.  Jimmy appeared and he said that he heard me and Kevin had something going on then he said he didn't like to share and that I was his. He bent down and I was on the floor so I was sure he was gonna hit me.

He started kissing my neck and then he gave me a love bite, he then got up and said I had to be punished because of my 'fling' with his brother. He walked away and 4 guys started beating me up, they called me so many names. One of them took of my shirt and called me fat, he then pulled out a knife and cut along my cheek. Then he laughed at me and said that he was gonna cut some of the fat off, he was about to cut me again but someone shouted enough and they all walked away" I explained quietly.

He looked at me and I could see the anger building up inside of him "Harry I swear, I will never let anyone hurt you again, I promise" He said softly, I gave him a smile knowing that he really meant it. my injuries weren't hurting as much now so I sat up and pulled my shirt on "I will go back now, I'm sure you wanna go back to yours and hang with Niall"i said, he laughed and shook his head "Na I gotta sleep here tonight, Niall and Liam are getting it on and I don't wanna interupt"He chuckled.

I bit my lip and looked down at my lap "Well, I have our place to myself tonight if Liam is at yours because Zayn text me whilst I was walking here saying that he was sleeping at Perrie's. So if you want you can come to mine" I mumbled, he lifted my head up by placing his thumb under my chin and his blue eyes peirced into mine "You sure?"he asked, I nodded.

He smiled and took my hand and dragged me towards the door "Let's go then curly" He chirped, I laughed and smiled back. I do love this boy...

Hey I know this is quite short but I wanted to give you something to read because I love you all :D so what do you think about Jimmy? do you feel sorry for Harry? what you think about Liam and Niall?? Any way so I want at least 4 comments and 5 votes and I will update!! rememeber to follow :D

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