I'm Sorry If...

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I'm sorry if I seem closed
I've hurt too many
And too many have hurt me
I will be honest, I'm afraid to show
The darkest part of my soul

I'm sorry if I'm running
I am not sure why
I won't be honest fully
I hide in the darkest room of my heart
I wish I could burn this part

I'm sorry if I'm silent
I'm not sure who to
Trust; I don't trust me or you
It's not just you; don't take it on yourself
I run away for my health

I'm sorry; I opened up
'Twas too much for you
I thought you wanted the truth,
But now you left; and it is like I guessed
I knew that you'd have left...

I'm sorry if I blame me
But you're not to blame
The fault is upon my name
For I knew the truth would be too much for you
And now I've faced that truth

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