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Sometimes I smile and I am well
With a grin upon my face
And a laugh bubbling from my mouth
Sun is up, blue expanse
A day which I travel well

Sometimes my feet burn on asphalt
With skin peeling from my feet
A weary and burned out heart, dragging
On the ground by my chains
A day which fades me away

Sometimes the stars above catch me
Reeling me towards my Maker
He kindles hope, joy, and serenity
Whispers low; "peace be still"
A night which recaptures me

Sometimes I weep tears past midnight
Streaking lights, choking throat, grieving
For this, my pain, praying to be healed
Lonely, yet not alone
A night shattering my soul

Sometimes I wake up in the dawn
Weary and heavy-hearted as I
See the sun rising in the heavens
Hope re-sparks and I see
A morn which from ashes rise I

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