Balloon Worries

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There's a little girl gripping onto her
Worries and fears, doubts and regrets
Held on so tight these things make her float
A bouquet of balloons spiriting her away
"Let it go, Child", God whispers to her;
"Let it all go and believe in My Powerful Name"
Many of us, we speak wisdom but seldom heed it
Many of us will say, "let go and let God work."
Many of us will say, "It is in God we trust"
But the truth of it all is we are turning away
From the wisdom of God that is foolish to man
Towards the foolishness of man that is wisdom to Earth
Letting our balloons go is not what we wish
And as we grip on tight we shall surely drift
On up to the skies and far beyond into outerspace
Sure, that's what we want, but we forget the consequence
Before we even reach up there, our balloons will soon pop
Either we'll freeze or we shall fall...
Let go of ALL of your balloons of worry
As God grows wings on your heart
Fly clear up to heaven and never fall back
Let go of you worries, your scars and your tears
And I promise you, friend, you shall find peace!



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