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I heard the voice of Jesus say;
'Come unto Me and rest
Come you weary one, lay down
Your head upon My Breast
His cries through the wind
Rhythm of a drum in a heart
Shouts of  a thousand saying;
'Grace, grace to it!' to the mountains
Flattening and tearing them down
It is heard throughout the world
So I came to Jesus as I was;
Weary and worn and sad
Following the Voice that called me
Out of my darkness and sorrow
Into the Light of Hope and Truth
The voice of Love through a father
The voice of Peace through a friend
The voice of Joy through broken hearts
The voice of Faith through all who believe
In God's violent grace and tender mercies
Could be heard throughout the generations
I sought for a resting place besides in Him
A ran away from His calls; and in the end
I surrendered all; and gave up the futile chase
I found in Him my resting place; and He has made me glad

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