63. What Is Going On?

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—Ten Weeks Later—

(Natalie's POV)

Being at Erudite once again means everything is so much more real. It doesn't matter how many days have gone by since we were last here; the feeling of being looked at and watched under a microscope never goes away, even when Jeanine isn't around.

"You've been quiet all afternoon," my father states. He continues to take his time carefully packing the vials of serum into the box crate one by one. "Is everything okay?"

It's just the two of us here in the lab—Eric went with Jeanine and the rest of the Dauntless leaders down to the main control floor; he suggested I stay here with my dad.

"Everything's fine," I simply reply, staring down at the glass vile of serum in my right hand. I still can't believe the production is finally complete. It's been ten weeks. Ten weeks of preparation and anxiety. Ten weeks of not knowing when Erudite was going to have the control serum finished by.

And ten weeks of continuing to keep a huge secret from the person I love most in this world.

When Eric told me Jeanine requested a sudden meeting with Dauntless leadership earlier today, I wasn't exactly sure what that would mean for us. I didn't know if that meant we'd have more time or if her plans would be moving into motion right away. Luckily, though, we have a bit more time. The attack on Abnegation is set to be carried out in one week. That's seven more sunrises. It's all set to go into motion at daybreak next Thursday.

"This may just be me," my father says, "but somehow I find that hard to believe."

"What?" I question as I turn to look at him. "That everything's fine?"

"You seem like you have a lot on your mind right now," he calmly replies, continuing to pack the vials. "Are you being treated well over at Dauntless?"

"Ah," I respond, realizing what he's really getting to. "Am I being treated well by Eric, you mean. Yes, Dad, he treats me perfectly. You have nothing to worry about with him."

"Well, that's... good to hear," he replies a bit awkwardly. "Actually, though, I was referring to Dauntless leadership."


"Are they treating you with respect?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't they be?"

"What about that Brian? Hmm? Is he treating you any differently?"

Now feeling awkward and embarrassed, I chuckle nervously. "What, you mean ever since I found out he had feelings for me? No. Believe me, he and I stay clear of each other as often as we possibly can."

"Mm," he lightly hums. "So, you and Eric, you're still together? You two haven't broken up again since I last saw you?"

Now, suddenly feeling offensive, I snap. "Okay, why would you even ask me that?"

He still doesn't look at me. He just continues the task of packing the vials into the small crate, like I'm not even standing here. "I'm asking... because ten weeks ago... I received a blood sample," he calmly replies. My heart hammers down further into my chest, afraid of where exactly he's going with this, and my mouth feels like it's gone completely dry as soon as my lips part. "Imagine my surprise when I realize it's my own daughter's blood sample and I'm supposed to determine whether she's pregnant or not."

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now