14. First Jumper VS. Last, Or Not

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I walk back through the double doors of the training room, feeling newly refreshed and clean after a quick shower. With the black hair tie that's on my wrist, I tie my wet hair up in a high, messy bun. Four is standing next to the ring with his back to me, so I make a determined bee line for him.

With his arms crossed, he turns around to look at me just as I'm approaching him from three feet away. "Well someone looks refreshed."

"I feel refreshed." I stop and stand next to his tall, six foot build. The rest of the transfers are either paired up and practicing their blocking moves, or working on the punching bags. "So, are you going to tell each of us who we're fighting today?"

Four lifts up his right hand to scratch the side of his forehead with his pinky finger. "Fights will start as soon as Eric gets here," he replies. "You'll find out when we tell you."

My eyes instinctively roll at the sound of his name. "Great," I reply, sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

Not even two seconds later, I hear the sound of the training room doors violently swing open from behind us. It doesn't take a genius to know who's walking through. We can only hear his heavy footsteps start to echo through the large training room. I honestly don't feel like welcoming his presence anytime soon. The last time I saw him, he walked out of that storage closet in a violent tantrum. His last words to me included a big "fuck you" and "slut".


I'll get him back for that, sooner or later.

Four turns his head to look back over his shoulder behind us. "You should probably head back over to the punching bags," he says.

Without any further instructions, I shoot straight over to the line of orange punching bags. I go to the one I was previously using, the one that's to the right of Jesse.

He turns around to look at me. "You're back," he says with a warm smile.

It's kind of hard to stay mad around Jesse when he smiles like that with those sparkling green eyes of his. Especially when he's now shirtless and sweaty.

"Sorry if I seemed a little bitchy earlier." I smile, apologetically. "You sort of caught me in a bad mood."

He smiles, then continues hitting the orange bag in front of him. "It's cool. Don't worry about it," he speaks in between combinations. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

My eyes can't seem to stop themselves from scanning Jesse's body. I never noticed 'til now how sculpted his muscles are. They still don't look as good as Eric's, though.


What the hell am I thinking?

I hate him!

"So are you ready for our first fights today?" he asks, after throwing another set of punches. He then lets out a short chuckle. "Actually, I don't know why I even asked. Of course you're ready." He laughs again. "I feel sorry for whoever gets paired up with you."

"What if you and I get paired up with each other?" I tease.

The idea is possible. Since Eric now has the intention of making the rest of my initiation a living hell, I wouldn't pass up the thought that he'd pair me up against Jesse. Especially since he now knows that we're really close.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now