6. Bye Bye, Erudite

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I stand here waiting for the rest of the initiates to jump and land on the net. The Dauntless man that helped me off the net, Four, repeats the process of helping each initiate off. He calls out their name, along with whatever number jumper they are.

To my surprise, the Abnegation girl is second jumper. Uriah is third, and Jesse is fourth.

"Where's Michael?" I ask Uriah.

He picks at his fingernails while standing to my right. "He and Nathan were both lined up behind me. They should be coming down any minute now."

The next initiate falls down into the net. He's Dauntless-born, but it's not Michael. Nathan, maybe?

"Oh, hey. By the way," Uriah nudges me. "Just giving you a little heads up. Eric seemed pretty pissed off when you gave him that little attitude up there on the roof. You might wanna watch out for him."

Little attitude?

I only glared at him.

"What attitude?" I question Uriah. "I didn't even say anything to him."

Uriah chuckles. "Oh, trust me, sweetie!" He sings. "You didn't have to say anything. That dirty little look you gave him up there on the ledge said it all." He laughs again, finding it funny.

"Fifth jumper: Nathan!" Four shouts.

I clear my throat, feeling nervous all of a sudden about what Uriah just said. "Did he say anything?"

Uriah shakes his head. "No. But he did look like he wanted to reach out and strangle you when you gave him that dirty look."


"You turned back around too fast to even notice. But I saw his face. Trust me, he didn't look too happy. So, just watch out for him, okay?"

That's the second time within the last thirty seconds Uriah tells me to "watch out" for the young leader.

My overactive mind is storming up various theories as to why he'd say that. So I have to ask,"What do you mean by I should "watch out" for him?"

The Dauntless-born, Nathan, approaches us. "Watch out for who?" He asks. "Who are we talkin' about?"

"Natalie, this is Nathan." Uriah introduces us. "Nathan, meet Natalie."

Nathan's the guy that was behind me when we were running along the train. He's a good six feet tall. He's actually quite easy on the eyes. His smile and warm hazel- colored eyes almost make me blush.

I smile back at him. "Hi."

"Nice to meet you, Natalie." He comes in between Uriah and I, lazily placing an arm around each of us. I can feel his toned muscles right through his jacket. I've only known him for two seconds, and his closeness is already giving me butterflies.

"So 'watch out' for who?" Nathan asks. "Is someone bothering you?"

I look up at him and shake my head.

"I was just telling her she should watch out for Eric," Uriah speaks up. "You know, because of what happened up there on the roof."

Nathan hisses and gives me a sympathetic look. "Yeah, you don't want to get on his shit list. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is challenge 'The King of Dauntless.'"

Nathan and Uriah both chuckle, as if the name is some kind of inside joke. This only leaves me even more curious.

"The King of Dauntless?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now