40. Ignorance Is Bliss

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[Song: "Let The Light Come In" by Rose Cousins]

(Natalie's POV)

When I angrily swing the door open and enter the dining hall, I almost bump into some people because the room is so crowded already. Literally, every table is just about filled. It takes me a while to spot Jesse, but when I do, I head over to the table with him and the Dauntless-borns. Zeke and Four are also sitting there with them.

As I approach the table, I swing my leg over the bench and take the open spot between Jesse and Marlene. To the left of Marlene sits Lynn, and Four, Zeke, Uriah, and Michael all sit across from us.

"Where's Nathan?" Jesse asks, cutting into the waffle on his plate.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know," I lie. Honestly, I really don't care at the moment. Anyone who would try to sabotage a relationship really isn't worth keeping around as a friend.

Everyone at the table seems to be enjoying their meal and conversations, but for some reason, I really can't find an appetite after what just happened between Nathan and I out in the hallway.

While everyone digs into their waffles, I reach out in front of me and opt for an apple instead. Just as I take a bite out of it, Nathan approaches the table and sits on the edge, right beside Michael, across from us. In order to avoid causing a big scene, I avoid making eye contact with him as much as possible.

"Okay, so I was thinking," Uriah starts from directly across from me. "I'm gonna throw a party Saturday night, to celebrate the end of stage one. You guys are all invited."

"How are you so sure you're even gonna make the cut, little bro?" Zeke asks him. "You still may end up factionless. Worry about partying once you pass stage one."

"Oh, don't you worry, big bro," Uriah responds, clapping a hand down on Zeke's left shoulder. "I'll make the cut for sure. I know I will."

Zeke chuckles. "Let's hope." After taking another bite of his food, he adds, "I'll tell you what. If you rank somewhere in the top three, I'll let you use my apartment to throw your little party."

"Alright! Sounds like a plan!" Michael chimes in.

"Looks like a party at Zeke's!" Uriah shouts.

"Yeah, yeah," says Zeke. "Just so long as you stay to clean the mess up. Your party, your guests, your mess. And nobody better break anything in my apartment."

As the boys continue to converse, and I continue eating my apple, I feel Jesse nudging my left side with his elbow. When I turn to look at him, he leans closer to the side of my face. "Don't look now," he murmurs against my ear, "But it looks like Jacob's heading over here."

Immediately, I put my head down and convince myself not to look up. Maybe if try to blend in with the crowd, he won't notice me, and he'll just keep walk—

"Oh, what's up, Jake!"


"Hey, Uriah," Jacob greets. I wasn't aware they knew each other. "What's up, Michael, Nathan."

"Where've you been at, man?" I hear Michael say. "Haven't seen much of you around lately."

"Oh, you know me," says Jacob, "Just busy hanging around. What's up, Jesse, Natalie?"

I don't bother looking up at him.

Jesse clears his throat from next to me. "Hey, man. What's up? Where's your girlfriend at?"

Before Jacob could even answer, Michael starts choking loudly, causing me to look up.

"Eww, Michael!" Marlene exclaims, "You just spit your drink all over me!"

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt