°36. She'll Never Love You

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Part 2:

[Warning: Mature/Explicit Content]

(Eric's POV)

Unable to keep myself hidden behind the wall any longer, I step out of the lurking shadows and turn the corner, revealing myself. Jacob's back is facing me, but Jesse's in clear view. They're each holding a beer bottle in their hand.

Jesse notices me and slightly straightens up his posture. Just as Jacob begins to say something, he stops himself, and that's when he turns around.

Yeah, fucker. It's me.


With my intimidating build, I slowly saunter up to them, my stature tall and threatening, and my eyes narrowed right down at Jacob.

"Oh, don't let me interrupt," I say to him in a calm tone. "Please, finish what you were about to say."

He turns his body so that he's facing me better, and tries his best to size up to me. He looks pathetic just attempting to, though—he's a good few inches shorter than I am, and barely has half my muscle mass.

I step directly in front of him and get closer in his face, my menacing eyes never leaving his.

"Take a walk, Jesse," I say while keeping my eyes on Jacob. I don't hear him moving for quite a long time, so I quickly turn to look at him. "I said take a walk!" I bellow.

It takes him a few seconds, but I eventually hear his feet shuffling away. Jacob and I are finally left alone.

What irritates me the most is that he doesn't even look bothered or threatened by me. The son of a bitch even lifts his beer bottle up to his lips and tosses back a swig.

"What's up, Eric?" he says smoothly, only pushing my buttons even more. "What can I do for you?"

I size up even more and calmly place my hands behind my back. The trick here is to remain calm—or else I know for sure that I'll kill his ass.

"You know," I start in a smooth manner. "I wasn't sure before if you were just naive or stupid, but now that I know you're purposely going around asking about shit that's no longer any of your business..."—I chuckle—"Well, now I know for sure that you're stupid."

He raises his eyebrows, then takes another swig of his beer. "And what exactly is no longer any of my business?"

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about. Anything that has to do with Natalie. In case you haven't figured it out yet, she wants nothing to do with you. So, why don't you go back to your whiny, bitchy little blonde and just forget all about Natalie. Because whatever you two had going on back in Erudite, that no longer exists. So if I were you, I'd get that little delusional fantasy of you and her getting back together out of your fucking head."

He starts to chuckle. "Wow, you know... I never would have pegged you for the type of guy to be so easily threatened. But, hey, I suppose if I were you, I'd be threatened by me, too."

I have to laugh at his ridiculous remark. "Me, threatened by you? Wow. Stupid, delusional, and severely misconstrued. No wonder she got over you so quickly. You really did have nothing to offer her."

"Oh, as opposed to you, who only has sex to offer her? Please. I know Natalie—better than anyone. Do you honestly think that a girl like her is gonna stick around with you for much longer? That girl's not stupid. I bet she could see right through you the second you approached her.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now