56. Moment of Truth

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>>>>> Three Days Later>>>>>

(Natalie's POV)

I feel myself stir as I awaken, my face still lying against the soft, comfy pillow as I lie flat on my stomach. My subconscious tells me it's time to get up, but my mind and body know what day it is.

I soon realize that something's missing, though. I neither hear the sound of Eric snoring beside me, nor do I feel his body or warmth or his arm draped over me as I usually do when I awake in his bed.

My eyes flutter open, and I turn to look beside me on the bed, only to see he's missing. But he at least pulled the covers up to my shoulders to keep me warm, so I know he can't be too far. In the bathroom or kitchen, most likely.

I slowly roll over on my back and sigh, looking up to his bedroom ceiling. Knowing what day it is only makes me want to stay in this bed longer. If I get up, that means I have to face my fears today—all of them—and I'm not so sure I'm ready for that.

I'm pulled away from thinking about it when I hear footsteps closely approaching. Eric walks toward the foot of the bed, wearing only a towel wrapped around his lower half, his hair wet from taking a shower.

"You're awake," he states, sounding a bit surprised. "It's early."

"You're up," I point out.

"Yeah... but I have to meet up with the rest of leadership a bit earlier today."

"Mm," I respond quietly. Right. Most likely to discuss the mental hell they'll be putting us through later for our fear landscapes.

From the foot of the bed, Eric pulls the covers off to the side, almost completely stripping them from me. He then crawls up on the mattress, tugging the covers away from my naked body with a devilish smirk.

"Hey," I chuckle, fighting him for the edge of the thin, black, quilted bedspread.

He laughs and lets go of it, crawling further up until he's hovering over me. He then brings his lips down to mine with a smirk on his face, and he kisses me.

"I like you naked in my bed," he murmurs seductively against my lips.

I can't help but smile and chuckle. "Yes, I know you do," I tease while trailing my hands up his strong arms, feeling those spectacular muscles. "You've been getting me naked in your bed for the past three days now."

"Well, maybe I wouldn't have to if you didn't look so damn good."

I laugh at his horny response as his mouth begins to devour the side of my neck.

"Eric," I chuckle.

"Hmm?" he hums against my skin, slowly trailing his hand up my outer thigh.

My goodness. How am I supposed to resist him when he does this?

I struggle trying to finish my sentence as he continues kissing the sensitive area of my neck. "Can... Can we just... um..."

He stops, slowly tearing his lips away from my neck and hovering back over my face. Concern is now softly etched across his features "You okay?" he asks.

"Y-Yeah, I just... um..." I look down between us and chuckle nervously. The truth is, I'm afraid to ruin what him and I have recently restored by starting up a conversation that I've been prolonging and dreading.

These past few days with him have been perfect—beyond perfect. I didn't think I'd ever be able to be this happy again, but I am.

Those who have said "love is sweeter the second time around" knew what they were talking about. Eric and I are now at a place in our relationship where everything is just so much better in every single way.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now