26. Just Tell Him

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(Natalie's POV)

"Who the fuck is he, Natalie?!"

I jump at his bellowing voice, afraid that he'll actually inflict some harm on me. This isn't the Eric that I've been falling in love with for the past couple of weeks. This is the Eric that once threatened to kill me. This is the Eric who once had his strong hands wrapped around my neck. This is the Eric who has self-control issues - major self-control issues.

Eric leans down and gets in my face, his cold, sinister features screaming for me to run away.

"I'm am not going to ask you again," he says through gritted teeth. "Who. The fuck. Is he?"

I slightly shake my head. "He... he's nobody."

Eric's chest continues to heave up and down as his jaw goes rigid again. His eyes only grow darker.

"I'm not lying," I add quickly.

"If he's nobody..." he speaks through gritted teeth. "Then why the fuck did you take so long to answer him?"


He was listening.

My heart starts pounding faster, just about threatening to jump out my chest.

Looking down, I gulp, nervously. "You... you were listening," I state quietly.

But did he hear all of it?

"How... how much of that did you hear?"

He grips my chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing me to look up at him. "More than you fucking think," he growls.

My breath goes shaky out of nervousness. He's pissed, and he wants answers. But I know Eric. No matter what I tell him, he's only going to hear and think what he wants.

"Answer me this fucking question, Natalie," he speaks slightly calmer, but still angry. "Are. You. Here. At Dauntless. For him?"

Immediately, my head shakes side to side. "No."

Eric leans back and lets go of my chin, but he stares at me with his cold, menacing glare, his chest continuing to heave as he tries to control his rage.

"No," I say, loud and sternly.

His eyes narrow. "Then why did it take you so long to answer that fucking question?"

I try my best to control my breathing before my anxiety turns into a panic attack. He's talking about when Jacob asked me if I was sure that I'm not here at Dauntless for him. Eric was definitely listening intently, maybe even watching, because it took me about a minute or so to actually answer Jacob with a 'No.'

"Answer me!" Eric snaps, making me slightly jump back.

"B- because I was thinking," I stutter nervously. "B- but not about him. About me. Eric, I... I have my own reasons for leaving Erudite. And I have my own reasons for choosing Dauntless. It has nothing to do with him! He..." I shake my head. "He doesn't even matter to me."

"If that was the case, then you would've never fucking left the bar with him, Natalie! You would have told him fuck off, and instead you would have left with me!"

"Oh, my God! It is NOT that fucking simple!" I yell, now frustrated. "Eric, I... I haven't seen him or heard from him in over a year. There are things about my past that you know nothing about. Just because you overheard a few words, that... that doesn't mean you know shit!"

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now