22. I Can Do This All Day With You

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My apologies. This chapter is being rewritten, due to 95% of it being accidentally deleted. I'm still not sure how this happened exactly. It must have been a Wattpad problem, but I'm trying my best to rewrite it exactly how it was. Bare with me, please. This chapter will be under construction in the meantime. Thank you.

(All other chapters are just fine. This was the only one that's messed up.)


"Are you finished?" Jesse asks me, pointing to my food tray. I swallow the last of my breakfast and nod. "Yeah, let's go."

The two of us get up, along with Mia and Tris, and we all walk over and stack our empty trays above the trash bin and head out to the training room.

I didn't eat dinner in the dining hall last night. Even though Des had calmed me down from my enraged bitch-mode, I still wasn't in the mood to see or deal with Eric after he threw that last knife at me. So I had Jesse sneak me a small sub sandwich and an apple back to the dorm.

I wasn't too happy about showing up to the dining hall for breakfast either, but luckily, Eric was nowhere in sight.


Until now.

"Initiates!" Eric barks at the four of us, heading straight towards us. "Get your asses to the training room before you're late."


We still have ten minutes.

"We were just on our way there," Jesse responds.

We continue walking as Eric's closely approaching us, but I move away from the left of Jesse, and instead walk behind him and Mia. I feel like a small child trying to avoid her father.

Just as Eric's passing us, he reaches out and grabs me by my left wrist, pulling me away from the group. "Not you," he says.

I stand next to him and watch as Jesse, Mia, and Tris all turn to look back at us.

"Go!" Eric barks at them.

Mia and Tris continue their footing without looking back, but not Jesse. He walks away looking back at us, once again wondering what Eric wants with me.

Before they even turn the corner down the hall, Eric pulls me by my wrist in the opposite direction, and our feet start moving. His grip on my wrist isn't too tight, so I'm assuming he's not in that bad of a mood.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

Eric doesn't answer. He just keeps guiding me along with him down the dim lit hall. As to where we're headed, I have no idea, but I just follow along without arguing. We make a left turn, and after several feet, he pulls me into the transfer dorm on the right.

I stand inside and watch Eric close the propped open door, then lock it.

Not this again.

The last time he locked us in here, things didn't end so well between us. Then again, when do things ever end well between us?

"Why'd you lock the door?" I ask as he steps towards me.

He smirks. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to fuck you."

I let out a small sigh of relief, then take a step back as Eric steps closer to me. "What are you doing?"

He ignores me completely, stepping directly in front of me and placing both his hands on my hips. His left arm then snakes around to my lower back, gently pulling me closer against his chest, and he leans down to rest his forehead against mine.

My heart starts to palpitate at our sudden closeness, which only makes me even more nervous, because I'm sure he can feel my erratic heart beats against his chest, even through his jacket.

I gulp nervously. "Eric, what are you doing?" My words come out in an unintended whisper, and my hands rest flat over his chest to try to separate us, but not too much.

With his right hand that was just on my hip, he cups the side of my face and starts to gently caress my cheek with the pad of his large thumb. "I just want to be alone with you for a minute."

Oh, the butterflies.

I know I'm supposed to still be mad at him for the knife incident that happened yesterday, but that seems to be the furthest thing from my mind at the moment. His touch and warmth is so electrifying, with such intriguing power behind it that I can't even seem to resist him.

Before I know it, his soft lips are lightly brushing against mine, and we're kissing, slowly, with such meaning behind it. It feels like time is slowing down around us, and he and I are the only two people in the world who are here right now. It feels... right, as if our lips were made for each other.

As our kisses deepen, my arms reach up to wrap around the back of his neck, and Eric's right hand finds its way up into my hair, lightly gripping it. His other arm snakes around my back so tightly that our chests are smotheringly pressed up against each others.

Love, Lies, Secrets and Manipulation (Divergent/Eric OC)Where stories live. Discover now