31. Trouble In Paradise

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Visiting DayPart 3

(Natalie's POV)

After being forced here, Audrey and I sit next to each other in the two chairs in front of Eric's large, office desk.

Silence is all there is in this room. The only thing we can hear is Eric trying to calm his breathing down. He isn't even facing us. Instead, the back of his tall, office chair is turned to us. That's how mad he is right now; he can't even bare look at us.

I sit with my right leg casually crossed over my left, staring down at my bloody hands on my lap with not even an ounce of remorse. Though, I know that as soon as Max walks in here, I'm going to have to at least show a tiny bit of remorse. After all, I'm an initiate who just beat the hell out of an official Dauntless member.

Maybe that's why Eric's so pissed off right now. He knows that this doesn't look good, especially with Audrey—an Erudite member who was only supposed to be visiting— being the one to start this whole mess. That fight would have never broken out if Audrey hadn't punched Jacob in the face in the first place. Had she not done that, Jacob's girlfriend—or whomever the hell she is to him— would have never placed her hands on my sister; therefore, I would've never had to viciously beat her face to a pulp.

I'll admit, this all looks bad. Very bad.

Audrey rubs her sore fist and looks over at the smeared blood on my hands and knuckles. She looks up at me, giving me a small smirk, and I can't help but smirk back. I know exactly what she's thinking, and I completely agree.

Whatever trouble we're about to get in, it was entirely worth it.

I nod my head and point my foot towards my gym bag that's sitting on the floor next to her feet, mouthing the words for her to give it to me. She lifts it and swings it over down onto the floor in between us, then unzips it for me. I lean down and search for the small sweat towel from inside it, all in hopes of completely wiping the blonde girl's dried blood off my hands. Once I find it, I pour some water from my water bottle on it and start wiping away.

As I'm doing so, I notice Audrey subtly pulling something out of her purse; a small, white envelope. She puts her index finger up to her mouth to shush me, then leans down to tuck the envelope down into the bottom of my gym bag. I have no idea what the hell it is, but I nod in silent response. Whatever it is, she was most likely waiting to give it to me when we were alone, which means it's for my eyes only.

Just as I'm placing the towel back down into my gym bag, we hear the sound of male voices approaching Eric's office door. Quickly, he swivels around in his chair to face us again.

Someone knocks twice on the door, then opens it. Our Dauntless leader, Max, enters the room, and another leader walks in right after, closing the door behind them. Brian, I think his name is. Max stands up straight and places his hands behind his back, and Brian does the same—only he looks more cold and intimidating. I know that Max is the one in charge here, but it's Brian who looks like he's the one running the show. His tall height, broad shoulders, and cold masculine features overpower Max by a long shot.

"So," Max begins, looking down at my sister and I. "It's come to my attention that one of our initiates and her Erudite family member have caused quite a stir in my Dauntless faction today."

Audrey slowly sinks down in her seat with her eyes to the floor and a frown on her face, but I know that she's only doing it to look both intimidated and penitent. She's putting on an act.

Typical Audrey.

She knows when to look small, weak, and intimidated, along with remorseful. It's just her artful and clever way of getting what she wants when she's in trouble. It tends to work for her more than you'd think. She has the perfect innocent face for mastering cunning and manipulate ways.

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