25. Unexpected Run-In

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(Natalie's POV)

"J- J- J- Jacob," I stutter, all of a sudden feeling humiliated that I can't even speak properly.

"Long time, no see, huh?"

Jacob smiles down at me as if he never even left and nothing's changed. How the hell can he look so calm? I feel like my whole body is in pain and my stomach's twisting in knots.

Damn it, Natalie!

Pull yourself together for fuck's sake!

I gulp, nervously, then clear my throat and put on a brave face. "What are you doing here, Jacob?"

He raises his eyebrows at me in amusement and chuckles. "Uh, I'm a Dauntless member, Nat. I've been here for a year now. Or have you forgotten so soon?" he teases, a playful smirk forming on his face afterwards.

First of all, don't call me 'Nat!'

Second, how the fuck could I forget you leaving me without even so much as a goddamn word?!

I shrug my shoulders, all of a sudden gaining a bit of confidence. "Just because people transfer here doesn't necessarily mean they become a guaranteed member. You could have just as easily ended up factionless."


Where did all that sass come from?

Jacob chuckles, shaking his head. "Well, you sure haven't changed a bit." He smiles, then lifts his beer bottle to his mouth and takes a swig - a big one.

Does he need it for liquid courage?

I notice him looking down at my body, checking me out.

Yes, I do in fact look better than I did a year ago, sweetie.

Go ahead, take a good look at what you lost, fucker.

He smirks as his eyes scan my curves and my tattoo. "Or damn. Maybe you have changed." He then looks me in the eyes with a look of seriousness on his face. "You look good, Nat."

He stays looking down at me with his lips pressed together.

I know that look. He's remembering us.

Oh, no, no, no.

He doesn't get to approach me like this and think that he has me cornered and weak. I'm Dauntless, goddammit. Don't fuck with me.

"I know I do," I retort smugly.

Jacob looks down and smiles to himself, shaking his head. "You know, I saw Jesse earlier." He takes another swig of his beer. "He didn't mention anything about you transferring with him, though."

Hearing that almost makes me happy. Jesse and Jacob used to be really good friends back at Erudite - before Jacob left. But the fact that Jesse didn't tell him I'm here at Dauntless as well proves that he's now my good friend, and no longer Jacob's.

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