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We pulled up to a house there were people on the lawn,a Couch in the yard and people everywhere.

I rolled my eyes as Kellin rush out of the car looking for Vic. Austin walked beside me getting Hey's and what's up's from A bunch of people.

He walked away to a group of guys covered in tattoos Fist pumping them.

I walked into the kitchen where there were drinks and I asked the guy in front of me for a drink. He handed it to me smirking weirdly making me roll my eyes before someone stopped me.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you love"I voice said. I turned around seeing a Guy covered in tattoos,was very tall and had the kinda shaggy hair style and had a beanie on,and had really pretty hazel eyes.

"Why?"I asked confused. "He drugged it"The guy said. "Oh,Thanks"I say putting the drink down. "You're welcome,I'm Oli"he says. "Ally"I say smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you,I'll see you around"He says and walks away.

I walk over to where people were dancing and started to move to the beat of the music.

Arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into them. I looked down seeing the familiar tattooed hands of Austin.

I smiled turned around quickly moving with Austin and I looked up into his Brown eyes. I bit my lip and moved against him.

Before I knew it he slammed his lips onto mine. My arms went around his Neck my hands in his hair.

I realized what I was doing,holy shît he's Fûckiñg 8 years older than me. This is illegal it's fûcking wrong but so fūcking right.

"A-Aust"I say pulling away with a frown. "W-We can't it's illegal"I say. "Hey it's just a Few years"he says. "By a few you mean 7"I say raising my eyebrow.

"Age is just a number Darling"he says and pulls me closer to him. He's right,at least he's not a decade older.

"Okay"I whisper softly and he placed his Hand on my cheek running his thumb across it softly making my cheeks turn as red as my hair.

His lips were placed on mine and he ran his tongue across my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I opened my mouth Moaning softly before I heard a wolf whistle. "GET IT GIRL!!!"Kellin yelled making me pull away laughing.

"Would you like to come back to my place?"I asked him. He nodded and we walked away but Austin pulled me towards a guy. "Hey Aaron can I barrow your Car?"He asks the guy. "Hehe suree"He slurs handing him keys before he stumbles away.

We walk out hand in hand and get into the car before he started to drive towards the house.

"I wanna ask you something when we get to your house"He says. "Okay"I say and lay my head against the window.

Soon we pull up to my house and we pull up into the drive way and get out going up the steps.

I grab my key from my purse and open up the door. I walked in picking up my kitten and smile as she licks my nose.

I put her down and turn around to Austin "so what did you wanna ask me?"I asked. "Yeah so I'm a Sugar daddy"He says.

I looked up at him shocked. Like I can see him being a sugar daddy cause he daddy af.

"and I want you,To be,my sugar baby"He says and I just stare.

"What exactly is this relationship like?"I ask. "I buy you what ever you want as long as you're mine"He says. "and a lot of sëx"he says.

"So basically a prostitute?"I ask. "No because you're mine,and mine only and you will not get money just what ever you want"He says. "Urm I guess"I say and smile at him.

He smiled and pulled me close to him. "Let me show you,you're mine"he says almost growling making me weak at the knees.

To be continued...


Jfc I love writing this story and I'm finally done with summer school tomorrow fûck yeah

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