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Austin soon texted me and I smiled as I got the message.

From:Austin<3 (changed name) Austin<3:Hi

Ally👸🏻🐱:Hi ~Insert blushy face here~

Austin<3:Would you like to do something together?(:

Ally👸🏻🐱:Sure (:

Austin<3:I'll pick you up @ 6:30 What's your address

Ally👸🏻🐱:6661 Vengeance Lane (Zacky V afffff)

Austin<3:Okay :)
read at 5:08pm

I stood up from my bed Quickly and started to get ready.

I called Kellin asking her to come over and help me. She was immediately at the door. (She lives next door).

"Sit"she says. I sit down and she grabs a brush Running it threw my hair. She started to French braid it and when she was done she grave me a pink hat.

I put it on and smiled before changing out of my clothes.

I put on a Ribcage T-shirt and some Jean shorts,and A pair of Adidas.

I looked at the time and It was 6:23. I bit my lip waiting for Austin in my living room with Kellin. "Please take care of Sophie You little shit last time I left you with my cat she went missing"I scolded Kellin making her giggle.

I rolled my eyes before looking at the time 6:31. Just then there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and made my way over to the door and opened it. I see the man in front of me. "Hi"I say softly. "Hi"he says smiling at me showing me his Perfectly white teeth.

"Are you ready?"he asks and I nod following him down the marbled steps. There in front of me was a 1976 Red mustang making me Gawk. (My grandfather own one its so beautiful) (he was a street racer back when he wasn't old).

He opened the door for me making me blush softly and smile at him. "Thank you"I whisper softly. "You're welcome miss.Lady"he said making me blush harder.

"Where are we going?"I ask him. "Ice cream"he says and smiles at me.


Short I know but I'm watchin true blood

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