Chapter 7

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It was a 45 minute drive to the house. With each minute I got more and more nervous. Amanda held my hand when she saw me fidgeting.

When we finally arrived at the house, I wasn't relieved to see 4 cars there.

"They’re out running. Conner said we should catch up if we're back before they are." Chris said from the driver’s seat.

Brian smiled, "Sounds fun. Let's take the bags to the rooms and get out there."

Chris and Jack both cheered. They were very quick about getting the bags separated into the right room. As soon as I had my bags, I turned on the stereo and shut the door. Matt was probably taking a late nap. He had been cranky the whole trip.

I put the shoes away first since that would take the least amount of time. I was putting my clothes away when I heard my bedroom door open. I didn't look over when I saw a figure looming in my closet doorway.

"How does it feel to be home?" It was Conner. I was relieved. I wasn’t ready to face Grayson yet.

I shrugged, "Fine."

"Are you going to look at me? I haven't seen the new you." I looked at him. He had more muscle now. He had 2 large scars going down his bare chest. He smirked. "Those vampires did a number on you, didn't they? I told you they were bad news."

I looked back at my clothes angrily. I hated being teased.  

"I don't need you mocking me Conner. I fucked up, I get it. Keep it over my head and I'll leave. I've beaten myself up enough over this as it is." I’m sure the anger came through in my voice.

He chuckled, "At least they didn't fuck with your hot temper." I did my best to ignore him. "Okay. I'll stop. Give me a hug."

I sighed and walked over to him.

"Do you want some help?" He offered.

I shook my head and gave him a tight hug. Conner may be a jerk, but he’s still my brother and I love him. I missed him.

"Do you even eat?" Now he was teasing me about my weight.

Ok, I only kind of missed him.

"Yes." I said annoyed.

He laughed, "Alright. I'll leave you alone."

I managed to put my clothes away and change into my favorite baby doll pajama set I wore to bed. It was cotton and had cartoon sheep on it. I was planning on going to bed early so I could get up and look for a job that would keep me away from home.

Brian and Amanda were so used to my choice of pajamas that they didn't even pause their conversation when I walked into the living room. Mason and Chris on the other hand looked over.

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