Toad's Tips - Exams #1

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Hello everyone and today Toad will be explaining about how to prepare for an exam. 

"Hello I'm Toad and I'm going to show you how to prepare for exams" said Toad "When you wake up in the morning eat a very good breakfast. I recommend a lot of food you know all that stuff eggs, Coffee so It can wake you up and also Peppermint and Chocolate can stimulate your brain to pay attention. Also make sure you slept good or you might fall asleep during the test! Oh and also I recomond lots of chocolate oh and starbuc-

"TOAD get back on the subject" said Toadette holding the camera.

"Anyways what Toadette did was wrong. If that would've happened during the test it would be a misadministration" said Toad "Anyway make sure your relaxed enough also if you have to guess it's fine just use deductive reasoning so you'll have a 50% chance of getting them right Also make sure you bring a coat some classrooms might be cold. Also try to sit other places which is not beside your friends or you might talk also one more thing be careful when your going to turn in your test or submit it well that's all for today good luck on your exams and others and also remember to stay cool even in stupid Math Exams"

- Toad would like to know if this helped please comment below Thanks

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