18. Icy Rescue

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It was a snowy morning in Toadtown and Peach and Daisy were excited. There would be a Fashion Show in Toadsburg the neighbourhing town. Toadette was going also though at the Fire Station Mario and Luigi were arriving.

"Hello Mario oh and Luigi today the Officer will be going over Safety and Evacuation Precautions that the government has released" said Toadie.

At the castle Toadsworth was getting mentally prepared he was going to go the farthest he has ever gone in 10 months. Toadsburg Toadette had arrived and was excited to see all the fashions.

"When will Toad be here" asked Toadsworth.

"In 15 minutes" said Peach.

At the Fire Station Mario was getting bored.

"When we are in a Red Mode we must go in our safest place due to Bowser's Minions might attack your house. Nobody shall move in such an emergency.....

"Pizza" day dreamed Mario.

"Excuse me" said the officer.

"Mario stop daydreaming Pizza" said Luigi.

"Oh yes something about Red Crayons and hiding in plain sight" said Mario.

"Um" said a Fire Toad.

"Sorry" said Mario.

Behind him outside it was snowing still at the Peach Castle. Toad arrived with the Mini School Bus and he opened the door.

"Hi Peach sorry for the wait the roads are not clear yet" he said.

Toadette, Peach, Daisy and Toadsworth boarded the bus. Toad closed the door and drove out slowly. As he drove through the town the snow was slushy and Peach was happy.

"Imagine Fashions from all over the world" said Peach.

"Sports wear" said Daisy.

Toadsworth just grumbled and Toadette smiled. The bus drove out into the countryside and Peach and Daisy were looking out to the snowy hills. Daisy laid her head on the window when Toad took a sharp turn and everybody gasped and suitcases flew everywhere.

"AHH" screamed Daisy.

Perfume liquid spilled all over her and she pulled the plastic bottle away.

"Peach your nasty perfume spilled all over me" she screamed.

"No and it's not nasty" screamed Peach!

At the Fire Station beside a Rescue Tender a Fire Toad was explaining how extinguishers worked.

"I'm so sleepy" said Luigi.

"Stay awake" said Mario.

Time passed and soon it was night over Toadtown and the houses were letting off smoke from there chimneys. On the bus Daisy and Peach were screaming and Toad looked at the fight and the road. Suddenly he hit a patch of black ice.

"Oh myyyy Ice" screamed Toad!

The bus turned off the road and Toadette screamed as the bus was shuttering as it was on the meadow.

"UGGGG" said Toadette.

The bus bounced when all of a sudden Toad ran into a snowbank and they crashed hard and Daisy and Peach fell back with Toadsworth and Toadette fell too. Toadsworth got up and Toad looked back.

Toadette got up and screamed

"Where Macarooned" screamed Toadette

"It's Marooned" said Toad.

Peach got up and was dizzy and Daisy got up also.

"How are Marooned" asked Daisy?

"Yeah Toad the road is down there" said Peach

"But we can't get down there" said Toad.

"I'm sure Master Mario will call" said Toadsworth.

*1 hour later*

"Um when will he call" asked Toadette?

It was dark outside and the moon was bright outside.

"Well um oh I'll guess we have to call Master Mario" said Toadsworth.

"You will be needing one of these" said Toad.

He handed Toadsworth his phone. His face went blank

"Is this a new device" said Toadsworth.

"It's a phone" said Toadette.

"Um no it's not" said Toadsworth.

Daisy gasped

"Um can I have an instruction manual" asked Toadsworth.

"Is he that old" whispered Toadette.

"Shush" said Toad.

"Um how do I turn it on" asked Toadsworth?

Daisy sighed with Peach what were they going to do? At Toadtown the class had ended and Mario and Luigi were leaving.

"I wonder if Peach and Daisy and the others got to Toadsburg all right" said Luigi.

Than Mario's phone rung and Mario picked it up.

"Hallo Mario speaking" said Mario.

"Ma- Mario we – "said the voice the call cut off.

"Prank Call probably" said Mario.

"This dumb phone get's no signal" said Toadsworth.

Toadette sighed than heard sirens and looked towards the road as a truck raced by.

"Were stuck now" said Peach.

At Toadtown Mario was at his house with Luigi when he noticed something.

"I never called Peach I need to know if she is all right" said Mario.

He dialed Peach's number and soon heard about the emergency. He arrived and quickly helped.

"Mario you're here" said Toad.

"Yup" said Mario.

"WHAT YOU JUST APPEARED" screamed Peach madly!!

- Well Peach missed the Fashion Show and is pretty mad. I like this story a lot well that's all for now happy Mother's Day everyone


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