13. Camping Trouble

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Daisy and Toadette were walking on the streets and they entered the Peaches and Toad Market and Daisy and Toadette saw Toadley's little sister Andrea and her best friend Molly and Max were upset.

"What's wrong" asked Daisy.

"Well Toad the servant at the castle was going to take us on a camping trip to Toadtown Forest but he has to help his highness with a Dinner and we have nobody to take us" said Andrea.

"My irresponsible brother" said Toadette.

"We can take you camping" said Daisy.

"We who is we" said Toadette.

"You and me" said Daisy.

"No please don't take me to Toadsville Forest" said Toadette.

"How long was the trip" asked Daisy?

"1 night" said Molly.

"Okay" said Toadette.

Daisy was on the road driving a small bus. She never knew Toad drove the little toads too school Daisy drove past the 4 Toads Shopping Village and Toadette had packed 5 suitcases and a giant picnic basket.

They soon arrived at Toadtown Forest and parked and Daisy saw a perfect spot to put up there tents.

"Well I'll sleep on the bus" said Toadette.

Daisy just frowned and walked off with the toads they were part of a small group called the Toadtown Adventurers. Molly and Andrea went to collect fire wood.

At the Train Station which was in the countryside not Toadsburgh but Toadtown Station. Birdo and Toad were sent on the train to a farm. Toad saw Thomas' dog run on the platform and Birdo got in and Toad sat with her.

"I hope this goes well" said Toad.

"I do to" said Birdo.

Butterfinger the dog kept running on the platform and the last passenger got on and Louis the train driver ran he forgot the route sheets Butterfinger got in the cab and jumped to get a Turkey Sandwich and hit the lever which made the train move and Butterfinger jumped off and the train moved forward and Louis came out and was upset.

"I told Mark it was my turn" said Louis mad petting Butterfinger.

At the forest the scouts were making a fire and Daisy was making the tents. Toadette decided she would come out the bus but was making sure she would be alright.

"Okay sunscreen, mosquito repellant and sunglasses" said Toadette.

She got off the bus when she saw a fly and screamed and ran towards the tent and tripped on it and the tent fell.

"Toadette" said Daisy.

"I wonder if Toad is having fun" said Toadette.

At the train Toad was on his phone when he decided to see the levers and buttons Louis used he ran to the front window when he only saw smeared mayo and lettuce on the floor.

"OH MY TOAD" screamed Toad.

"What" said Birdo and Koopa Troopa in unison.

"There is no driver" said Toad.

"What" screamed Birdo.

She fell and fainted and then Toad mumbled and thought and than shouted.

"No need to worry Super Toad to the rescue" said Toad

"Yeah" said a toad.

Toad opened a window and climbed on the carriage roof. As he walked on the roof he jumped on the roof of the train and lowered himself down and was in the cab.

"So now what do I do" said Toad looking at all the buttons.

He than heard a loud whistle and than saw a giant express coming towards them he saw the signal turn red and pushed a button. At the forest Toadette was in the tent and the scouts were frying sausages and Daisy was helping.

"Is the food almost done" said Toadette.

"Almost" said Daisy.

Toad was panicking and heard the large train and than the express train driver saw the small train and pushed the brake lever and sparks flew and the express coaches rocked and Toad screamed as the express stopped inches away from the junction and Toad sighed.

"Good" said Toadette

She was eating a sausage on the stick Toad was still on the train and had doged 5 trains and than saw that the Autumn night was falling. Toad than saw a express train coming and the signaltoad changed Toad's train to a siding and Toad screamed as he saw buffers.

"Oh no" said Toad.

A toad was checking Birdo's pressure and everybody was worried but then the train stopped the fire had went out. In the forest Toadette was cold and had turned on the fire and leaves were falling off the trees. She ran on the bus and leaves began to hit the fire and sparks on the leaves spread and Toadette forgot to turn off the fire.

About half an hour later Daisy and Molly smelled something smokey and went outside to see the campsite on fire!

"Toadette, Max and Andrea FIRE" screamed Daisy.

They ran to see the fire and Toadette ran she screamed and soon sirens began to fill the forest and Toadette smiled they were saved.

"That was my camping trip" said Toadette.

"Well" said Toad "I drove a train"

"You what" screamed Toadette!

So did you like it I really didn't there is only 7 stories left I will give you the title of the next story. It's called The Toadtown Race I have not been really busy lately. Pls Like and Comment Thanks

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