Season 1 Extras

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Unfinished Stories - A chance for you to get a Toadtown Story published in Series 2 or Early Season 3. These are a few unfinished stories that you can finish writing or start a new won. Every entry must be entered by 31 August 2016 if you want your story published in Late Season 2. The deadline for Early Season 3 (2017) is June 1 2017

Frosty Fight - Date that Release was going to happen - 4 December 2016

"Train 207 has arrived from Mushroom City" said the speaker.

Toad was at the Train Station with Toadette and the Star Express had arrived. Toad looked with Toadette and then they saw there Grandmother.

"Hello Grandma" said Toadette.

"Oh hello dear" said there grandmother.

It was Christmas in Toadtown and Toad and Toadette went home with there grandmother. Decorations hung from the street poles and everybody was excited. At Yoshi's House Yoshi was mad. He had just had an argument with Birdo.

"It's not fair" said Yoshi thinking of the argument.

He wondered what he could do for the mean time. In Peach's Castle Birdo was crying in Peach's Bedroom over Yoshi.

"I don't know why I argued with him" screamed Birdo while crying.

"Calm down Birdo" said Peach.

Daisy came in the bedroom with toad servants carrying jumbo tissue boxes. Birdo was crying and crying and the toad servants were getting tired.

"What did I do" screamed Birdo.

"Here" said Toadette as he put down a plate of turkey.

"Yum" said Toad he picked up his fork.

Toad was about to stab his fork in the turkey when Toadette slid the plate towards there grandmother.

"Toad that's for Grandma" said Toadette "You can get a piece later you just ate 4 boxes of Christmas cookies"

Toad faced down and Toadette than served him.

Outside the snow fell and Toad and Toadette were excited. The next day Mario and Luigi were with Toad at Goldfinch Hill. Toad pulled out his sled from a wagon it had snowed a bunch and they were going to sled.

"I hope Toadette is alright with Grandma" said Toad

"So when can we eat" asked Luigi.

"Sure I have food in this basket Toadette packed" said Toad.

Than he opened the picnic basket it was empty! Toad smiled as he looked at Mario and Luigi mad.

"Don't worry we can go to 4 Toad Shopping Village" said Toad

"We don't have money" said Luigi.

Than Mario and Luigi started arguing about money and than about plumbing Toad tried to calm them down but than they left!!

"It was over food" said Toad to Princess Peach.

"Don't worry Toad" said Peach.

"I hope they will be alright" said Toad worriedly.

To write this story comment below so I can send it to you through private message.  Stories must be at least 800 words Long

Saving Peach Pt 1 and 2 - 4 March 2016

"Look at the fireworks" said Toad.

Yoshi, Birdo, Mario, Luigi, Daisy, Peach, Rosalina, Toad and Toadette were watching the fireworks over Toadtown. It was a day of celebration in the town and the whole Mushroom Kingdom. It was an exciting time

Toadtown Season 1Where stories live. Discover now