10. Snow Bowser Pt 1

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Today was the day of The Christmas Dinner at Peach's Castle and Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Birdo, Toadette, Toad and Peach were sitting at the Dining Room Table. Everybody was having a toast.

Outside in the meadow outside the town Bowser Koopa was in his airship he was walking out with Bowser Jr. He took out his wand.

"Ice Sprites, Ice Sprites get this snow to Life and give it my form" said Bowser.

Little toads with wings and crystal blue flew up and around the snow and Snow Bowser arised and Bowser laughed today he would ruin the Mushroom Kingdom Festival and Christmas which was in 4 days.

Snow Bowser began to walk off and tripped and his head fell off.

"Junior help Snow Bowser find his way around he can be a bit clumsy" said Bowser.

"Dad" said Junior.

"Now or i'll lock you in the dungeon for a day" replied Bowser.

Junior ran quickly behind Snow Bowser and Bowser laughed as he looked at the fireworks explode in Toadtown.

"Wow look at that one" said Toad.

He and Toadette were setting on a bench on the balcony and Yoshi and Birdo were making snowballs with the snow on the railing. When suddenly Daisy and Luigi were dancing and Mario and Peach were too. The Brass Toads were playing when suddenly there were screams and than an explosion.

"Is that Bowser" screamed Mario.

"No It's Junior with a snow version of his dad" said Birdo.

Snow Bowser breathed snow crystals and toads froze as they ran. The Brass Toads kept playing when suddenly the conductor got froze and Toad screamed and Toadette ran.

Peach tried to run but slid on the ice on the floor and fell and Bowser Jr. told Snow Bowser to grab Peach he grabbed Peach and froze her and she fell to the ground. Snow Bowser began to walk off when Daisy through a snowball at Snow Bowser.

"Daisy" screamed Mario.

"You'll pay" said Junior.

Snow Bowser picked up a wad of snow and began to form a giant ball and Daisy and the others screamed as Snow Bowser through it and hit the baloney door and Toad and the others ran in the room and balcony doors were destroyed by the snowball.

Toad and Mario dug out a hole and Snow Bowser was running toward the meadow.

"Oh no Princess Peach" said Mario "Where is Daisy"

"Oh no not Daisy" said Luigi.

"We have to rescue them" said Mario.

In the meadow Snow Bowser arrived at the airship. He lowered his arm and dumped Peach and Daisy in a cage and Bowser shut it. Daisy got up she was freezing and Bowser laughed.

"Junior destroy Toadtown" said Bowser.

He began to fly his ship in the air and it stalled and a blizzard began. In Toadtown Toad and the group were running to find Toadsworth. At the Town Square Luigi was running to find General Toad.

When he saw Snow Bowser again Luigi hid as Snow Bowser breathed out ice and it froze the street. Luigi arrived a medium sized house and knocked on the door and Servant Toad opened the door.

"General Toad where is he" said Luigi.

"He is on vacation" said the toad.

Luigi ran off Toads were running on the street getting away. Junior saw a pipe and Snow Bowser ripped it and water trickled on the street and Snow Bowser froze the pipe which was now spraying ice.

The street froze and Toads were running towards the castle to find shelter when the clock tower at Town Square collapsed in flames. From the airship Peach and Daisy were watching and Bowser was eating popcorn.

"You won't win Bowser" said Peach.

Bowser laughed and went to heat more popcorn. Peach watched as Toadtown was letting off smoke she hoped nothing bad was happening. In the town Luigi and the group had token all of Peach's valuables and had evacuated the castle to the Mushroom House.

"Will at least Snow Bowser won't look here" said Toadette.

Toad looked out window and saw that the clock tower was gone and than saw an explosion. Toad and Toadette hugged and Luigi put there suitcases down.

"Me and Mario are going to find Bowser" said Luigi.

"That's the spirit" said Toad.

"Yeah" said Birdo.

The town kept letting off flames but they would push on. Toad looked out the window when suddenly 5 explosions went off and Toad screamed as the house shook and the lights went off in the town and he saw just the lights from the flames.

"Oh my" said Toad.

A tear came from Birdo and Toadette's eye and it fell on the floor

Two part story I will update Dec 25. Have a Merry Christmas

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