22. A Day of Misunderstanding

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The sun was rising over Toadtown at Toad's House Toadette and Toad were packing swim suits.

"I can't wait to ride the waves with my new surf board" said Toad excited.

Toadette had given him a surf board for his Birthday on May 13 which was last week! At Yoshi's House which was up the street him and Birdo were packing lunch for the Beach Trip!

"Sandwiches, Shroom Cake and Fruity Punch all here" said Yoshi.

Birdo checked down the list outside of Toadtown at the Four Toad's Shopping Village. Peach and Daisy were at Beachy Supplies looking for sunscreen and beach towels. At the Quay where Toadette's Café was and the Boathouse for the lifeboat

Mario and Luigi were waiting when Hanover drove up with a speed boat. Captain Hanover was the Coastoad of Toadtown. He operated the lifeboat bye the way.

"Here's the speed boat" said C. Hanover.

"Thanks" said Mario.

Hanover walked to the boathouse to go supply the lifeboat. Mario looked at his watch and it was 6am.

"Come on Luigi let's test out the boat in the Harbour" said Mario.

Mario and Luigi were soon in the Harbour riding around quickly. Mario made the boat go faster when suddenly the boat stopped and the motor cut off.

"Huh what happened" gasped Luigi!

"It probably needs some more gas" said Mario.

At the Boathouse Hanover was loading some lifejackets in a compartment of the boat when he heard some screams and looked out to the ocean and saw Mario and Luigi. He gasped and put on his uniform!

The boat went down the ramp and arrived to the rescue. At the dock Peach's Limo arrived to the front and they got off and the lifeboat arrived towing the boat.

"Mario what happened" gasped Peach!

"Um some troubles don't worry" said Mario.

As Toadette and Toad got off the Limo Andrea arrived to the front to see Hanover. Butterscotch needed an animal life vest.

"Is it more or is today going to be a nice day" said Toad.

Toadette agreed as Andrea arrived at the Boathouse Hanover looked at the limo and saw the suitcases. Than he got an idea a cleaning Idea! He charged towards the limo door.

"AHH" screamed Toadette she ran.

As Toadette ran she ran into Daisy and they both fell over the railing into the ocean. Everyone gasped

"Toadette Daisy" screamed Birdo.

Hanover ran out the Boathouse and gasped he put on his life vest and helped Toadette. Daisy swam by herself. Toadette was back on shore and everyone was relived. At the corner behind the café Yoshi, Mario and Luigi were eating some food from the picnic basket.

"Um these chips taste good" said Luigi.

Than Yoshi felt something.

"I feel something is behind us" said Yoshi.

They turned around

"PEACH" they gasped!!!

"Yes it's me and what are you doing aren't you supposed to be fixing the boat" said Peach Madly.

"Were just fueling up" said Yoshi.

"What about the boat" said Peach madly still.

"Um on it's way" said Yoshi.

"I thought it was here" said Mario.

"It's coming in an hour" said Yoshi.

Everybody got mad at the Boathouse Hanover was with Andrea. When suddenly Butterscotch ran in Andrea fell back and the boat stared and the doors opened and the boat slid down the ramp!

"AHHA" screamed Andrea!!

Hanover gasped and fell down the ramp and slid in the ocean.

"HELP" he screamed!!

Mario and everyone ran to the railing and gasped!

"No It's not me Mario it's Andrea the lifeboat" screamed Hanover!

Andrea looked at the lifeboat and wondered. She moved the steering and it turned back towards the town. She sighed in relief and than saw the quay was getting closer!!

"AHHHHH" she screamed.

Suddenly the boat crashed and everyone screamed as the quay crumbled and bricks fell.

"My Boat" gasped Hanover.

Later that day at Toadtown Beach it was a happy day. But where did the food go that is now in the goat's stomach!

- I hoped you enjoyed this story my little sister wrote this! I know this 22 21 and 23 will release soon which contains, Loose Bear and The Flower Show Microsoft Word deleted my stories Pls Add, Like or Comment Thanks!

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