21. Wicker Toad

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It was a sunny morning in Toadtown and today Toad was driving his small bus to the bus stop. As he stopped Andrea, Max and Molly got on!

"Morning scouts are you ready to get your badge in Wicker Knitting" said Toad.

"Yeah I can't wait to knit twigs" said Andrea.

The bus drove away towards the old mill which was outside of Toadtown in the forest. At Peach's Castle Mario and Luigi were arriving to help Toadsworth move a giant crate out the office.

As they arrived Toadsworth was waiting.

"Morning boys the crate is over here" said Toadsworth.

Soon Mario and Luigi arrived and gasped!

"Oh dear that sure is a big box" said Mario.

At the old mill the bus arrived and everyone got off excited!

"Well first you must collect all twigs to make your toad" said Toad.

He looked at the ratio to size sheet the scouts ran off to the Forest. To look for twigs and Toad was proud. At the castle Mario and Luigi were pushing the box slowly and Toadsworth was tired as he sat down!

"Heave" screamed Luigi.

Than he forced it to much and the box busted and party streamers and presents exploded in the hallway. Toadsworth screamed as streamers flew and Blue ran in the Hallway.

"Toadsworth are you allright" gasped Blue.

"I am" said Toadsworth getting up!

At the Mill Toad brought twigs to make their animals. As Andrea began to knit the pieces she was excited. Max shouted from the forest.

"Toad look" he screamed.

Everyone ran and found something in amazement!

"It's a giant Wicker Toad" said Max.

"Did you make that" gasped Molly.

"Know way" said Max "I found it"

"Oh we better take it to Toadtown" said Toad!

They ran to the bus and Toad was carrying the Wicker Toad. As he was about to load it on the bus Max saw there was an opening at the back of the toad. He went inside Toad tried to life the wicker toad when suddenly it slipped out his hands and he screamed.

The toad went rolling away down the hill down towards Toadtown with Max!

"AHH the wicker toad" screamed Toad!!

The wicker toad began to roll down hill down towards the forest!!


The toad rolled down hill and suddenly a hand ripped off and Toad and the others chased after the wicker toad. It rolled down faster and faster and crashed in bushes and logs and soon rolled into the open meadow down towards Toadtown!

"STOP" screamed Toad.

He than tripped and Andrea, Molly and Toad ran into a bus and fell. The toad was rolling away!!

At the town Toadette and Peach were at the entrance at Mr. Thompson's house to pick up a paper roll for a poster Toadette picked up the supplies box and took them to her car when she heard screams!

She looked and their was a giant wicker toad heading towards her!

"AHAHA" she screamed.

Max saw her and screamed and suddenly he hit the car and it scratched it and Peach gasped madly! The Wicker Toad kept rolling down the street deeper in Toadtown. At the Peaches and Toad Market Toadley was outside putting his Summer Plants up when suddenly.

"AH WICKER TOAD" screamed someone.

Toadley than saw it and screamed suddenly efwgfwhdebhedekdnjds

"MY PLANTS" screamed Toadley.

He than picked up an arm and gasped Max was screaming and the Wicker toad rolled faster and than he heard a rumbling and saw a car coming towards him.

"Oh no" he screamed.

Suddenly the car hit him and the toad got thrown up hit the roof and rolled down it and hit the road and rolled down towards the Quay! At Toadette's Café one of her waiters were serving Toadsworth tea they had moved the box and Blue, Mario and Luigi were having tea at the café.

"AHAHAHA oh no water" screamed Max.

He saw the railing and he tried to slow down. It was no use he hit the railing and the toad smashed into pieces and he fell in the water but was stuck in a large piece and was drifting away.

"HELP" screamed Max.

Luigi, Mario, Toadsworth and Blue ran out and looked and saw Max. Luigi picked up the head of the toad and gasped.

"Get Hanover" screamed Mario.

Blue ran to the Boathouse where the Lifeboat was parked.

"Captain we need help" screamed Blue "He's not there"

Mario than got an idea he went down the steps to the ocean part and jumped in the water he helped Max and soon on shore.

"Oh what were you doing" said Mario.

"Sorry" said Max.

Than Toad, Molly and Andrea arrived on the bus. They got off an were relived Andrea than saw the head and put on.

"Hello I'm Toad" she said in annoying voice.

"ANDREA" Screamed Toad Madly

"Sorry" said Andrea.

- So what did you think here is 21 I hope you all have a good weekend! The picture at the bottom is how Hanover's Lifeboat looks like by the way Pls Like and Comment Thanks!


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