You scared me. I need to pee.

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Celia's POV.

"So, have you guys done it?" Charlie asked looking at me excitedly.

"Done what?" We were in the middle of class listening to Beau talk about the brain.

"Finished the mating process." He acted as if I was stupid.

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He blinked a few times before slapping himself in the forehead. "God dammit! I did it again!" He growled to himself.

"Just tell me." I chuckled at the red handprint left on his head.

"He bit you already, right?" Looking back I remembered the night in my room when I was yelling at Luka about being an ass towards Danny, but we ended up all over each other. He did bite me! Why hadn't I thought that was weird? I guess I just thought it was a wolf thing.

"Yeah." I waited for him to continue.

"Have you guys had sex?" He fought back a smirk with this question.

I looked at him in disbelief. Did he really just ask me that?

"Celia, just say yes or no." He shook his head.

"No, we haven't." I felt my cheeks burning.

"Damn, that's kind of bad." He chuckled.

"Why?" I slapped him in the arm.

"Since he bit you, you guys are gonna want each other. Not in a normal way. You'll want to jump his bones so bad it will drive you crazy. You may not feel it bad right now but the longer you wait to have sex the worse it gets. I can only imagine the torture Lukas going through. It's worse for him because he's a wolf and more in tune with his animal instincts. It's all part of the mating process." I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. Holy shit! This explains some things.

"Charlie." Beau's voice was loud and threatening. Charlie stiffened fear vibrating off him. "What are you and Celia talking about?"

"Nothing Al-" He corrected himself. "Sir."

"Keep that mouth of yours shut Charlie!" His beautiful eyes burned with fury. Beau could be really scary when he wanted to be. No wonder he's Alpha.

Raise my hand innocently I waited for Beau to notice.

"Yes, Celia?" He smiled sweetly. Was he bipolar?

"You scared me. Now I need to pee." This gained a round of laughter throughout the class.

"Go ahead, Celia." Beau chuckled.

I rushed from the classroom to the bathroom down the hall. After peeing I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. How did someone like me get to be with someone as beautiful as Luka? If you actually thought about it Barbie looked better with him than I did. I'm not saying that she should have him, he's mine, but they would look good together.

The thought of him with someone else made my chest hurt.

A light knock on the door derailed my train of thought. I hesitantly opened the door popping my head out to look into the hallway.

"Hey, girly. Took you long enough." Charlie stood against the wall outside the bathroom door his hands in his pockets. "Beau sent me to check on you. You know with psycho bitch lurking around you can't be to careful."

"You guys need to chill out a bit. Barbie's not even here today. And if she snuck onto campus you guys would probably smell her or something, am I right?" I shook my head stepping into the hall.

"Well, with the amount of pack security we have, yeah we probably would know right away if she snuck onto campus. Aren't you smart." He chuckled ruffling up my hair. "Did you know, Luka has a group of five wolves circling the perimeter of the school constantly while you're here."

My jaw dropped. "No!"

"Yes! And Beau has someone check every room in the school every half hour." He was being serious. These guys are going over board. "You're an important person. You are possibly our next Luna."


"Mate to the Alpha. You rule alongside the Alpha." He explained. "Eventually, Beau will hand over his title of Alpha to Luka and you will become our Luna."

Me? Rule alongside an Alpha? How the hell am I supposed to do that?

"Dude, Celia chill out. You'll figure it out. You have me and Luka to help you." He slung his arm over my shoulder leading me back to the classroom. "Now, take that 'I'm about to puke' expression off your pretty face."

When we got into the classroom I didn't go to my desk instead I went and sat in Beau nice comfortable desk chair, Charlie following me laying on the floor next to the desk.

"Better?" Beau chuckled.

"Not really. I feel nauseous, now." I sighed laying my head back looking at the ceiling.

"Class just do whatever for the remaining twenty minutes of class." Beau said before coming to stand next to me.

"Want to talk about it?" He offered warmly.

"This is crazy. Why does she have to be obsessed over him? He's mine! Why does she have to be a psycho Barbie?" I growled. "And how am I going to be a Luna? I mean, I'm not exactly a good leader."

Kneeling down next to me he lowered his voice. "You're worried about Emma being obsessed over Luka and you eventually becoming Luna? Not that there's such this as werewolves or that you are in danger?"

"Pretty much." I chucked. How weird am I.

"You remind me so much of my Medea." He smiled.

"Who is Medea?" I asked softly.

"My mate. She died a couple years ago. She was an amazing person just like you. Trust me Celia, you will do just fine."

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