Surprise brownies

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Danny cleared his throat in the doorway his eyes watching us with amusement. My hand shot back to my side in embarrassment, I can't believe he saw that. How stupid of me, I knew he was coming.
"What?" Luka's tone held a little hint of frustration and irritation. With all my strength behind my fist I punched Luka in the spine then jumped at Danny wrapping my arms around his neck. "Surprise!"
"What?" He chuckled twirling me around effortlessly.
"We made you brownies for helping Luka." My lips pressed to his cheek in a hard kiss. I could feel eyes on my body making me uncomfortable.
Slowly I turned to Luka's lustful gaze. Narrowing my eyes I shoved him aside moving to the counter getting ready to cut the brownies.
"You guys shouldn't have." Danny chuckled setting his bag down on the table.
"Well, we did." Luka snipped gaining a glare from me. Why is he acting like that? He's being a complete asshole. When it was just the two of us he acted so different.
You could tell he had a soft spot for me but there was no reason for him to be so cold to someone who help him so much. It made me wonder if he acted like this to everyone else. If so then why do I get special treatment? If not then what could my sweet brother have possibly done to deserve this hatred Luka had for him. It was all to confusing and there were to many questions swirling through my mind. But now wasn't the time to ask my questions, pushing them I aside I smiled happily pulling out a knife and cut the brownies.


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