Lesson 6 (End)

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 I stared at his phone screen and read the message over and over.

I heard the door open and I snapped my attention to him coming in the room with a smug look.

"What's wrong?" He asks after he notices the scowl on my face.

"Who did you show those pictures too?" 

"What are you talking about?" He looks confused and his eyes travel to his phone before picking it up. He reads the text and turns his attention to me.

"Who did you show the picture too?" I ask again my voice extremely low.

"Holly, you got it all wrong! When you sent me the picture I was with some friends and they took it from me , I swear." He said.

"You said you were at the grocery store" I answered.

"I.." He runs his hand through his hair in frustration before looking at me.

"Ok I lied about being at the supermarket. I was with Zayn at his house, but I didn't show him the picture I swear!" His eyes look scared and I don't know if I should believe him.

"You have to believe me! You know I wouldn't do that to you" He says looking straight into my eyes. 

I sigh,

"Fine I believe you" A smile breaks out on his face he sits next to me.

"But why didn't you just tell me you were at your friends house?" I asked him.

"I was kinda hung over and I didn't want you to think of me like my...friends" He rolled his eyes when he said friends. 

I nodded and decided to change the subject.

"How about we do something today? Do you have anything you have been meaning to do?" I ask.

"Are you sure you want to go out? Aren't you like PMSing or something?"

My cheeks flush as I look down.

"I feel better now and I want to get out of the house" I told him.

"Women" He muttered but I still heard him.

"So do you want to go or not?" I asked him.

"Sure" He shrugged. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a simple outfit of shorts and a tank top. I'm really glad I took a shower earlier. He got dressed too and checked his phone once more.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"I just need to use the bathroom real quick and apply some make up because of you!" I laughed.

"Don't deny you enjoyed it" He smiled.

"Yeah well I don't enjoy having to constantly cover my neck or put make up on it anytime I see my mom or brother." I fought back a smile.

"Well your with me and I don't like it when you cover them up so it looks like you wont be needing the make up today." 

I looked at him before making my way to the bathroom. I quickly did what I had to do and took some tampons out for later on. 

"Dammit Lou" I muttered before fixing my messy hair. I left the bathroom and into the room, rushing to my purse to put them in before he could see. 

"Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah, but where?" 

"I don't know I didn't really plan on doing anything today except maybe...never mind" He spoke quickly.

Private S-x Lessons with Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now