Lesson 31

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Lesson 31:

Louis POV:

I was standing in front of Holly’s house. I didn’t see her all day yesterday so I decided on surprising her with flowers. It’s cliche but I know she likes sappy things like that. I tried picking out flowers that would match her beauty but I don’t think such flowers exist so I settled for the most overrated flower you could think of; red roses.

Maybe this is a bad idea, she is worth so much more than a bouquet of roses. Just as my insecurities make me turn around the door opens. I’m not met with the shy smile I am used to, I’m met with dyed blonde hair wearing a push up bra.  

“Holly’s not here.” She rolls her eyes and is about to shut the door when I stick my foot in, preventing it from closing.

“Let me atleast put these is some damn water.” I tell her. Her obnoxious sighs annoy me but I choose to leave it be for now. I walk in her kitchen looking for a vase but to my dismay, I can’t fucking find one.

“Samantha, where are the goddamn vases?” I ask not holding back my dislike for the girl who used to bring Holly’s self-esteem down. I can just imagine the younger version of Holly frowning at the words her own cousin threw at her while she was too afraid to defend herself.

“How the hell am I supposed to know? You bought her the stupid flowers, you should’ve bought the ugly matching vase.” She smirked thinking she was clever but her words didn’t hurt me, they simply annoyed me.

“Bitch” I mumbled. I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her, she was already as annoying as it is. Thank god she’s leaving tomorrow, I don’t know her that well and I already can’t stand her.

“Excuse me?” She fired back. I ignored her too the best of my abilities but having her stand there thinking she was actually worth something while I couldn’t find the damn thing I was looking for wore out my patience.

“Can you get a fucking life and stop breathing down my neck.” I snapped. I knew by the look on her face that she wasn’t gonna let that comment slide so easily.

“Holly wouldn’t approve of the way you are talking to me” I wanted to wipe the smirk off her smug face. I hate how she thinks she can control Holly. Holly has nothing to do with this.

“Leave her out of this, she’s done nothing wrong.” I fought back. I wasn’t gonna let her talk about her in a bad way. I already have to stop myself daily from telling her off for talking to her a certain way.

“Are you sure about that Louis? Are you really sure?” She laughed. I can tell by the look in her eyes that she was keeping some information from me. I swear if she did anything to Holly I’ll fucking lose it.

“What are you talking about?” I ask. I am ready to rip the fake extensions out of her hair, she’s lucky she’s girl.

“Holly hasn’t told you has she?” She keeps beating around the goddamn bush when she should just spit it the fuck out already. What is this great comeback that is gonna leave me so shocked, huh? I know Holly hasn’t done anything.

“I don’t have all day for your fucking games” I hiss. Coming here was a bad idea, I’ll just surprise her when she gets back from whatever she’s doing. I grab the flowers that I set on the table and I am about to push right past this bitch when she stops me by placing her fake nails on my chest.

“Aren’t you interested to know how your little girlfriend was caught in bed with that friend of yours? What was his name again….Zayn?” Once again, the look of satisfaction is on her face and I am seething, trying my best to hold back the anger as I can feel my blood pumping and my body temperature rising as the anger consumes me.

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