Chapter 42 Recording With Styles

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A/N: O! M! G! OMG!!!!

5,ooo views! Guys that's unbelievable!!!

My goal is to get 10,000 by December!

I'm halfway there!!!!

Thanks SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!

I'll update soon!!!!!!! :D


Nikki's POV

"No way!" I squealed and ran inside, running my hands across everything I could.

"Geez." Harry laughed. "I'd hoped you'd be excited but not this excited!'

Harry had brought me to a recording studio! A recording studio!

It had all of the electronic button dashboards and the sound booth to go with it.

Yes, it was small, but it was big enough for me.

"Oh my god." I whispered as I switched stuff on.

"I brought you here so you could sing without having to worry about anybody hearing you." Harry smiled.

"Can I... would you mind if I recorded something." I said awkwardly.

"Sure." Harry shrugged. "But I have no idea how to work it."

"Well." I took my phone out. "Luckily for me I do!"

All I needed was for him to say yes before I jumped onto the dashboard. I knew this all so clearly and well. I plugged my phone into the computer and started transferring files into the systems.

"Whoa," Harry leaned over me as I sat in the chair in front of the dashboard. "What are you doing?"

"Confession time, Styles." I smiled. "I'm a geek. A music geek mostly."

"A geek?" Harry laughed.

"A computer nerd." I explained. "I know how to do all of this."

I smiled as the files successfully downloaded and fit perfectly into the system.

"Perfect!" I smiled and stood up.

"Okay, now what?" Harry studied what I had done.

"Don't touch anything." I told him and pushed a button. "This way you'll be able to hear me singing. Now it is going to play all the back ground stuff too, like the instrumental, the back up voices, the harmonies..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Harry sat down in my chair. "You've already done all of that?"

"Yeah." I smiled with a blush. "I've been working for a while. Mostly when you guys weren't around. But I waited for a nice clear microphone to record the last part."

Harry smiled a nice true smile with a shake of his head.

"Now don't touch anything until I tell you to." I said and entered the sound booth. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the microphone, putting the head phones on my ears.

"Okay Harry." i couldn't hear what I was saying, but I trusted my tongue to say the right words.

Harry looked at me through the window.

"Press the blue button and hold it down to speak to me." I blinked.

He searched the dashboard and held down a button.

"How's this?" He asked and I jumped, his voice coming through my earphones extremely loud.

I turned down the volume quickly and gave him a thumbs up. "I can hear you. Does my voice sound okay?"

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