Chapter 21 I Want To Go To Australia

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Nikki's POV

I screamed, Eleanor's voice echoing my own.

In front of our car was a man. There was a gun clutched in his hand, but luckily for us he was facing what looked like a bank on the other side of the parking lot. But when we screamed he turned around to see he shot our window. Maybe that had been an accident, but he took an advantage of it. Darn it! Why did we have to be girls?

"Don't move." He cocked the gun and pointed it at Eleanor. She looked at me with large eyes and I gasped.

"I'll shoot!" The guy called back over to the bank. There was a man standing outside the bank, blood trickling from his head.

The man's eyes glanced over me and then he spun around and shot the guy at the bank. I screeched and Eleanor froze like a statue. The shot echoed and I prayed someone would hear it. The guy's body dropped to the ground. I could tell he was dead.

"Shut up!" The man shouted at me and I bit my lip. "Give me your phones!" We gave into his commands. He grabbed our phones and climbed into the back seat of Eleanor's car. "Drive!"

Eleanor was frozen. Her eyes were wide in fear and she was shaking.

The man grabbed my head and pulled me into him. "Drive or I shoot!" I felt metal being put against my head. Eleanor swallowed and drove out of the parking lot.

"W-where to." She stuttered, her voice quiet.

"Drop me off at the subway." He glared at her. She nodded and took off towards a busy part of town. The man looked at me and I swallowed, looking at him with terrified eyes.

"Well aren't you two stunning women." He said with a chuckle.

Eleanor stiffened and I struggled to get out of his grip.

"I wouldn't do that." The man growled at me. He hit me across the head and I winced.

"Leave her alone!" Eleanor suddenly barked and the man slowly looked up from me.

"Well isn't someone brave." The man gave a light chuckle. "I was thinking about letting you go, but now..."

"Please let us go!" I pleaded. "She didn't mean it!"

"Shut up!" The man snapped at me. He threw me awya from his grip and I flew backwards and smacked my head against the glass of my window. It hurt, but I was thankful for it. It turned my brain back on...

Think! Think! Think! I remebered my conversation with Liam. Nag. You are supposed to nag the kidnapper to death.

"So if you do kidnap us where are we going?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

The man gave me a puzzled look like he had never been asked that before. "Why do you care?"

"I don't know?" I shrugged. "I've always wanted to go to Australia so I was hoping if we were going somewhere we could go there..."

"What?" The man looked at me strange.

"I want to go to Australia." I repeated. "If you kidnap us can we go there?"

"Wha- No!" He said firmly. "We aren't going to Australia!"

"Darn." I said slowly. "Then can we go to Scotland?"

"No!" The man roared at me. Eleanor was looking at me like I was crazy.

Just go with it Eleanor.

"Then where are we going!" I said impatiently.

"Trust me you don't want to know." The man sneered. "You two better not be afraid of planes and if you are, tuff."

"Planes?" Eleanor swallowed.

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