Chapter 37 I Can Promise You

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I hurt my hand really bad and it is extremely hard for me to type.

So a little story from me of how I hurt my hand:

I was walking to go somewhere and there was a small ditch I had to get over if I wanted to cross. So I leaped up over it and my foot got stuck on a barb wire fence that was hidden in some tall grass. Then I plummeted down onto some very sharp rocks, putting all my weight on my hand. The rocks went into my hand and my left elbow and there was blood everywhere. Luckily, it wasn't wide enough to get stitches so now I have a raw hand and a really really bruised and sore elbow. So if there are some typing errors, I am sorry....

Yep. I'm clumsy. Anyways, thats just a small story from my life.

Now I will try and type the story you came to read...


Harry's POV

"We will be live in 5 minutes." The man with a head seat on his head told us.

We all nodded and stared behind the wall at the crowd of people, the cameras, and of course, our interviewer who was getting everything ready.

It was funny.

Everyone had a job they were doing and we were just awkwardly standing in the middle of the walkway.

"I hope the twitter thing doesn't come up." Niall mumbled randomly.

Way to bring that up again, Nialler!

Louis just shook his head angrily.

"If it does, just lay low." Liam instructed. "Don't get defensive about it."

Zayn huffed and crossed his arms.

"What do we say if they do?" I asked Liam.

"Just act natural and say that it was just a small misunderstanding." Liam said slowly.

"Yeah, anymore "misunderstandings" and someone is going to get killed." Louis crossed his arms and rolled his eyes

Just as he said it, there was a loud gun shot. We all jumped in the air.

There was an erupted scream and suddenly everything turned into mass chaos.

People started screaming and shouting and running everywhere. I was pushed away from the other boys and almost fell backwards.

I saw body guards leaping to the others sides, trying to push them towards an emergency exit.

"Stop! Stop!" Louis protested, fighting the guards. "I need to find my cousin and my girlfriend!"

They ignored him and pushed him and the others towards the door.

Four other guards were looking for me, realizing I wasn't apart of the four boys being forced out of the door.

"Harry!" Louis' eyes found me. "Find Nikki!!!"

"Watch it!" Zayn growled as he was shoved out the exit.

Niall was trying to break away too while Liam was shouting angrily.

"Harry!" Paul sighed in relief as his fingers closed on my arm. "There you are! We need to go!"

"We can't!" I protested. "Nikki is still out there!"

"Nikki is here!" Paul exclaimed in fear.

"Yeah she was doing an interview!" I shouted over the screaming. "And so is Eleanor!"

"Harry." Paul closed his eyes. "My job is to...." He looked at me slowly. "To protect..... you. I have to get you out of here."

"No!" I shouted at him and yanked away from his grip.

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