Chapter 38 More Than This

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A/N: Hey guys!

I was free today, so I decided to go ahead and finish this chapter!

Thanks soooo much for the 3,000 reads! That means alot!

Only 7,000 more until my goal! HAHAHAHA!

And remember, the first person to answer my trivia question at the end gets a dedication. :)

Enjoy this chapter..... ;)

Nikki's POV

I sat on my bed. My arms and legs were sprawled out and I sighed.

My cheeks were tear stained and I had no more water inside my eyes. They were empty...

My mind was swirling with confusing and terrifying thoughts.

After my talk with Harry, I told him that I wanted to be alone.

Now here I was, two hours later, still thinking about it.

Whoever had been shot had died at the scene.

My Dad had killed someone practically in front of me!

What kind of father was he?

Letting out a long sigh, I sat up and started playing the guitar.

I started playing the chords to "Beside You", a Five Seconds Of Summer song.

Just as I was about to sing, there was a knock on my door.

In surpise, I strummed down exceptionally hard on my bottom E string and it let out an out of tune squeal.

"Come in." I laughed at the sound it made.

Louis opened the door.

"It makes me happy." He smiled at me softly.

"What makes you happy?" I grinned back.

"The sound of your laughter." Louis stood in the door, staring at me with a smirk. "When we were kids, everybody loved your laugh."

I nodded, rememberng. "I remember."

"Well I came up here to see if you wanted to come down stairs and play with us." Louis blinked.

"Play with you?" I laughed. "What are we 7?"

"No, I meant like singing playing." Louis rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "We heard you playing the guitar so we thought that we could get together and sing. You know. Like the circles people create around the campfire. Except we will be doing it around a coffee table."

"Ummm... Alright." I smiled and got my guitar as I followed him outinto the hall.

As I climbed down the stairs, I saw the others already huddling around the coffee table.

"It' so warm." Zayn pretended to hold out his hand like he was at a campfire.

I laughed and all of them looked at me.

"Nikki!" They all said together.

"It's good to hear you laugh." Liam smiled.

"It feels good." I laughed again and sat in between Niall and Zayn. "I've been crying too much lately."

Harry shot me a doubtful glance and I smiled at him, telling him I was okay.

I just needed to get everything off my mind.

I think he realized this because he smiled back, showing off his dimples.

"Alright!" Louis cheered and sat next Harry on Zayn's other side. "What shall we sing?"

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