Chapter 30 Secrets Eventually Catch Up To You

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A/N: Everyone! Please stop and follow me in twitter! I am working towards 1,000 followers! Please! If you are fan of my work, I also give updates on my books on the account too! And 5SOS and 1D facts! So please follow! :) thanks!


Nikki's POV

"Liam!" I screamed as everything blurred around us. The head lights of the car did nothing against the gloomy air and the pounding rain. I stiffened as I saw what was ahead. "TREE!"

Liam slammed on the breaks. I snapped forward and then slammed my head back against the seat. It had hurt. At least we didn't hit the tree. We sure were close to hitting it though. But the car had stopped right before we did.

Niall was clutching everything around him in the car, but his angry eyes were still on me.

Niall had just asked how long me and Harry had been together.

At the sound of this shocking news, Liam had swerved the car uncontrollably and we had almost hit that tree.

"What?" Liam asked, his voice stern.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You and Harry are dating?!" Liam shouted at me furious.

"NO!" I yelled in surprise. I glared at Niall. "What makes you think that?!"

"I saw you!" Niall declared, pointing at me. "I saw you!"

"What the heck are you talking about!" I shouted at him.

"You two were about to kiss!" Niall scoffed.

"WHAT!" Liam's hair was on end and he was staring at me wide eyed. "You two kissed!"

"NO!" I crinkled my nose. "We never did and we were never going to!"

"That's not what it looked like when you two were talking behind the restaurant!" Niall accused.

"I would never kiss Harry!" I defended myself. "I don't find him attractive in any shape or form!"

That was sort of a lie. I kind of did think he was attractive, just not like that.

"Harry Styles, you are the sexiest man alive." Niall growled each word and I froze. "Does that sound similar?"

"You were listening!" I said quietly, my words thickening with anger.

Nothing gave him the right to listen to my conversations. That is why I asked to talk to Harry alone. Duh!

"Wait, you actually said that!" Liam's voice cracked as he yelled.

Something told me he was really mad

"Yeah, but..." I tried to say.

"I can't believe this!" Liam growled and gritted his teeth. "After what we just talked about! Really, Nikki!"

"You don't understand!" I shouted at nobody in particular.

"Yeah, I don't understand!" Niall yelled, his voice full of pain. "I don't understand why you guys pretended to be best friends and then you went and lied to us!"

"You guys could have just told us!" Liam agreed with him.

No, no, no. This was all going in the wrong direction.

They actually thought we were dating.

"Guys, you've got the..." I was cut off yet again.

"Don't Nikki." Liam glared ahead of us. "Just don't."

I swallowed sadly and looked out of the window.

Liam started the car again and we continued a silent drive back to the house.

When we got home, I slammed the door angrily. Then I marched up to the door, my eyes glazed, threatening to spill tears.

I opened the door and Harry and Louis were standing by the staircase.

"So you see..." Harry was saying, but they both looked at me when I opened the door.

"What's the matter!?" Louis and Harry said at the same time.

Don't guys ever understand? When you ask a girl what's the matter when the are about to cry, it makes them want to cry more.

"I...I..." I tried to say as tears slid down my cheeks.

Harry engulfed me in a hug. "Shhhhhhh, love. Don't cry."

At that same moment, Niall and Liam walked in the door.

"Nikki!" Niall shouted in anger. I swear his voice just went an octave higher.

"I can't believe this!" Liam threw the car keys across the room angrily.

"What the... What's going on!" Louis demanded to know.

"They are dating!" Niall pointed at me and Harry angrily.

"Uh oh." Harry said nervously.

"UH OH!" Louis shouted. "THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY! UH OH?!!!!"

"And they kissed!" I am almost positive Niall wanted to see our skins hanging over the fireplace on Christmas morning. "They kissed at the restaurant!"

"What!" Me, Harry, and Louis all yelled at the same time.

"We did not!" Harry defended us.

"You were bloody about to!" Niall growled. "I saw the way you were looking at her Harry! You eyes were hungry! The way you looked at her..."

"What?" Me and Louis both said at the same time again.

"What is he talking about Harry?" I was now confused.

Harry didn't look at me like that. I had my eyes on him the whole time. I didn't see anything wrong...

But Harry blushed and I knew that gave it away.

"Harry!" I gasped.

"You are so dead!" Louis screamed at him, but I stopped him.

"Louis no!" I put my hands on him and pushed him back.

He stumbled, and glared at me.

"Why are you keeping secrets from me!" He shouted at me, his eyes hurt. "I wouldn't have really minded if you had told me!"

"We aren't..." I tried to explain, but it was no use.

"Stop lying!" Louis shook his head at me, tears forming. "Is there any other secrets you have! I tell you everything! Why can't you tell me everything?"

"You don't tell me everything!" I shouted back. If he wanted a fight, this was where it was going.

"Okay fine!" He snapped. "Ask me anything you want and I will tell you everything!"

"Fine!" I glared. "Why is my father in jail and why won't anyone TELL ME!!!!!!" My voice seriously cracked at the end.

Liam and Niall actually looked scared and Harry took a hesitant step away from me.

"That." Louis' voice was normal again. His voice was filled with pain and a tear slipped down his cheek. "Is the one thing I can't tell you..."


A/N: Yeah, this is a short chapter, but I wanted to end it there. Another cliffhanger!!!!

I know you guys hate those. Hahaha.

Anyways, this is a serious drama chapter. I get it if you are confused. Want to ask a question? Comment or PM me! Or you can the characters questions and I can roleplay for a few seconds. Whatever floats your boat!

Anyways! Talk to you in the next update! :)

To be continued...

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