Chapter 2: When You Look Me In The Eyes

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Luke POV:

When I finished my work, it was 8:45 a.m. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to find pancakes and bacon on the table.

"Good morning, Sir."
"Morning, Niles."
"I was just about to head out and return Ms.Wilde's belongings."
"Actually Niles, I'll take care of it."
"Are you sure, Sir? It's no problem."
"Yes, I got it."

Alright, I admit it, I wanna see Kira again. Even though I just met her, I felt like we had a real connection that I haven't felt for a long time. I quickly finished my breakfast and then called the driver and gave him Kira's address. I was a little shocked when I saw what kind of neighborhood she lived in. It was all dirty and the houses were lopsided and had holes in them. I walked up to Kira's house and knocked on the door. She opened the door and she looked so beautiful. She was wearing a jean dress and black ankle boots.
"Luke, what are you doing here and how di-"

She stopped talking when she saw her tank top and wallet in my hand.

"Why did you leave?"
"I didn't want to be a burden. You don't have to take care of me. I'm a grown woman."
"I-I don't know what it is about you Kira. I j-just really l-like you."
"Oh. Luke, I didn't know that. I just-"
"Will you be my date to this event for my company tonight?"
"I'd love to."
"Ok, umm I'll send a driver later with an outfit and I'll see you at 8."

I walked away before she could say anything else.

Kira POV:
A few hours after Luke came by, I heard another knock at the door. It was a well-dressed man who was holding two bags.
"From Mr.Strong with love."

He left after I took the bag. I took them to my room and looked through them. It was a beautiful sparkling silver dress. I didn't even look at the designer or the price tag, because if I knew who designed it or how much it was, I would have to give it back, something I didn't want to do. I took a shower and then got ready for my date. At 8 on the dot, Luke finally arrived. We got in and we started talking until he got a phone call. I heard the other person yelling through the phone. I started listening to their conversation.

"Why are you doing this now? Couldn't this wait until tomorrow?"

I saw Luke roll his eyes and groaned. "Like it has for the past two weeks? No, Luke, I've been trying to figure this out and you keep putting it off. I need to know if you can come on our family's vacation or not."

"And I've told you that I don't know. My schedule is always changing so I don't know if I'll be able to go for the whole thing or just a few days or what. I just don't know." He tried to say in a calm voice but it was teetering on shouting.

I was sick of hearing 'I don't know' for the past two weeks and I burst. "Stop saying I don't know and find out!" The person on the phone screamed.

Luke hung up and then turned to look out the window, glaring. The rest of the car ride was silent. Which is probably adding to the obvious sexual tension. It was something neither of us could ignore. It was just there. We finally get to the event and prepare to get out of the car. Luke gets out first and then takes my hand.

As soon as we get into the building, they tell Luke that someone wants to interview him. We walk over to where the camera and the interviewer were and Luke told me to wait on the side.
"Why don't we do a double interview with your girl here?" The interviewer asked. Oh. I guess I'm game, especially if it helps to paint this picture that everything is fine.

I start to make my way next to Luke but he glances back at me, I smile, and he looks back to the interviewer. "Oh, she's not my girl." What the fuck? Was that his subtle way of saying he was pissed at me for something? Did he think I would do something petty or say something to make him look bad? If that's what he thought I was going to do then that's what he was gonna get.

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