Chapter 3: This is me

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Chapter 3: This is me

Luke POV:

I looked down at the girl sleeping beside me. I was replaying what happened tonight over and over again. My thoughts were interrupted by Kira's whimpers. I started to her mumbling.

"Don't...hurt me."

I shook her awake and pulled her onto my lap.

"Are you okay? I thought you were having a nightmare."

She wiped a tear and mumbled "I'm fine." She wiggled off my lap.
"Did I do something?"

She got up from the bed and went in the bathroom. After a hour, I walked in to find her crying on floor.

"Baby, what's the matter?"
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"What if that guy comes after me? Or you? I can't just stay here and hide forever."
"I told you not to even think about that. I won't let it happen. I promise."

She nodded. We both leaned in to kiss when her phone ranged. I listened to there conversation.

"KJ, now isn't a good time."
"Where the hell are you?"
"I'll tell you everything tomorrow when I stop by."
"Just tell me where you are?
"Goodnight KJ."
She clicked end call and then looked up at me.

"Who was that?"
"A friend."
"He sounded like more than that."
"That's all he is, Luke."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. It was hard to get mad at her because she was so cute when she pouted.

"I'm sorry. I just get..."

I looked down and leaned in to kiss her. She grabbed my face and pull me the rest of the way. It wasn't as passionate as the one from earlier, but it was still special. She straddled my lap and I picked her up and took her to the bed. I began unbuttoning her shirt when she pulled away.
"Goodnight, Luke."

She crawled up to the head of the bed and then got under the blankets. I was confused, but I just shrugged it off and got in bed beside her.

When I woke up, I noticed Kira wasn't in bed next to me, so I went downstairs to look for her. I saw Niles vacuuming the den.

"Niles, have you seen Kira?"
"She left around 11, Sir."
"Did she say if she was coming back?"
"All she said was, "Goodbye, Niles. It was nice to meet you."

I don't understand that woman. I tell her I like her, I ask her out, I take her on a date, we have sex and she sleeps over. What did I do wrong? I shook my head and got ready for work.

Kira POV:

I woke up with the shakes. I immediately called a cab to take me to KJ's apartment and it came around 11am. I said goodbye to Niles and left. When we finally got to KJ's apartment, I walked in and went to his stash.

"Kira, what the hell?"
"I need it more than you do."

I picked up a straw and snorted what was left of his cocaine. I walked over to his pill bowl and took two Oxycontins and downed them with a bottle of water.


"You need to slow down."
"I didn't take anything yesterday and I woke up with the shakes and it scared me."
"Kira, that was withdrawal. Your body wasn't use to not having any pills or anything in it. If you don't slow down, you'll overdose."

She stopped and breathed. I grabbed her and threw her on the couch and sat beside her. She laughed and slapped my arm.

"Where were you?"
"With this guy I met."
"OK, that night that I left here, I cut through the park and I was walking pass this guy and he grabbed me and wouldn't let me go, but this guy name Luke came and beat him up and the guy threw me on the ground and my head started bleeding, so Luke took me to his house and cleaned me up."

I felt so bad, but I didn't want her to see that and I felt like there was more, but I didn't press her on it.

"Do you like him."

"I-I don't know. He told me he likes me, but I don't believe it."
"He's a 27-year old who is a CEO of a major company and I'm a 22-year old who is addicted to painkillers and cocaine."
"You're more than that, Kira. You're beautiful and funny and fun to be around and you're a caring person."

I watched as a small grin came across her face. I started to lean in when the door opened and my sister, Kayla, walked in. Kira jumped off the couch and hugged Kayla.

"Where have you been?"
"Long story."

Luke POV:

As soon as I stepped onto my floor of my office, I had water up to my ankles.
"What the fuck happened?!"
"Sir, one of the pipes burst last night and flooded the whole floor.", said my assistant, Cara.

"Why am I just hearing this now?"
"We tried calling last night, but you never answered."
"So you just let the water keep running!"
"There was nothing we could do."

I walked away from the stupid bitch and walked out the building. I sat in the 1st floor waiting room, trying to calm down. Once I was completely calm, I called the only person I wanted to see right now and was happy when she picked up.

"Hi, Kira.
"Luke. How'd you even get my number?"
"Why do you keep running from me?"
"I didn't run. I just thought it was time I went home."
"Can I come see you?"
"I'm with friends."
"But I really wanna see you."
"Fine. Come over in 10."

She hung up, so I called the driver to take me to her house. I walked to the door and knocked and was greeted by my beautiful and hopefully future girlfriend.

"Hi, come in."
I walked in and Kira guided me to her room. It looked so big to be in such a small house. She had a guitar and piano in one corner of the room and she had a whole wall covered in pictures of her and friends. In one corner it had a art easel and blank canvases.

Kira POV

"Nice room."
"Kira, I really like you."
"So, I've been told.", I said with a giggle.
"I'm serious."
"I like you too, Luke. But there are some things about me that you don't know."
"Then tell me."

I felt myself getting the shakes again.

"I'll be back. I have to go to the bathroom."

I rushed to the bathroom and got my stash and a straw from behind the toilet. I stuff the straw up my nose and snorted the white powder. I closed my eyes, getting the full feeling of it.


I looked up to see Luke standing there, staring at me.

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