Chapter 31: A Long Story

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Chapter 31: A Long Story

I'm Back!!!!

I really missed this story, so I edited it, so just ignore what you found out in the aftermath chapter.

Today, Kira and Luke are still in love. Kari is in her last year at NYU and Kendall is 15 years old and Kira and Luke have a 6 year old daughter named Kylie.( once again that was completely unintentional) let's see how this goes. Now mind you I haven't written in a while so bear with me.

Luke point of view:

"Kira, H-"

I stopped in my tracks when I saw what she was holding in her hand.

"Is that what I think it is?"

She nodded and wipe the tears that were falling from her face.

" I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god. Not now. What were we thinking? This can't happen right now. Not with everything that I have going on right now. God, I'm so stupid. I-"

"Excuse me?"

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm just busy now that I'm working again and I didn't mean to take it out on you. I love you. I'm just worried. Baby, we're not young anymore. How are we going to keep up with almost 21 year old, a 15 year old , a 6 year old, and a baby ?"

" are you really worried about your age?"

" Kira, I'm 48 years old. I have three kids and my wife is pregnant with our fourth. Definitely not young anymore."

"Baby, you have nothing to worry about. I promise."

I smiled at her. Almost 22 years and she still knows just what to say. I remember the reason why I came up to see her.

"Baby, we need to make a decision on the PA situation."

I have decided to take my company over again that I will need a new personal assistant now. Kira has been against it. I don't know why.

"Luke, not now. I d0on't want to argue. We just found out that we are having another baby. We need to celebrate. Oh my god, the kids. Luke, Kendall has already been feeling left out and Kylie is still a baby herself. Oh and I wonder what Kari is going to say. What if she-"

I interrupted her by crashing my lips against hers. I groaned when the moan escaped her lips. I deepened the kiss and slid my tongue in her mouth as she wrapped her legs around me. I felt my dick getting harder as she grinded against it. Fuck. This woman is gonna be the end of me. Kira pulled away and I took the opportunity to attack her neck. Kira broke out into a fit of moans and hisses.

"What's daddy doing to mommy?"

I pulled away from Kira after hearing the sweet voice of Kylie. I turned and was shock to see who was holding her.

"Oh my god. Kari, what are you doing here?"

Kira and I jumped up to hug her.

" we get out for winter break a few days early, so I decided to surprise you."

"You definitely did. How's NYU ? are you doing good in school? Have you met anyone?"

"Kira, college is about focusing on your studies, not about boys."

"Well, that look on her face tells me that she met someone."


"He's actually here with me. Hope that's okay. His name is Scar. He's really sweet to me."

"You're not dating him."

"Why not?"

"Because his name is Scar."

"Dad, I'm almost 21. You can't tell me who I can be with."

She placed Kylie on the ground. That's when I noticed the black markings on her upper arm. What the hell! I grabbed her arm and pulled up her shirt sleeve. It was a tattoo that said: 8.12.16 and had a crying emoji beside it.. She must have got it after she went back to school because I have never noticed it before.

" when did you get a tattoo?"

"A while ago. Don't you like it?"

"Absolutely no-"

I was interrupted by some guy walking in my view and began hugging my daughter. Kira smiled at the two while I was disgusted. His arms were covered in tattoos. He had a piercings in his nose and a huge one in his ear.

"I'm Scar. Kari's boyfriend."

He brought his hand out for me to shake his hand. I didn't take it so Kira did.

"I'm Kari's mom, but you can call me Kira or Mrs.Strong."

"Nice to meet you. I thought you both would probably hate me after Kari told you the news.'

"What news?"

"I haven't told them yet."

"Told us what?"

I saw Kari swallow, so I took a step forward.

"I'm pregnant."

I know this really short considering it's supposed to be a comeback. But there will definitely be more soon.

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