Chapter 25: Shhh

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Kira's POV-

Ok I lied. I just didn't have a good reason. Dak was just the first person that popped into my head. Luke just stared at me. His eyes filled with sadness. I actually felt bad. I didn't know what to say. The truth is I wanted to be with Luke again. We're still legally married and we have kids.

"W-well I'm h-happy for you."

His voice was shaky and he looked as if it hurt him to say those words. He began to walk away.

"I lied. I just didn't have a reason so-"

He slammed his lips into mine. A moan escaped from me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up, so he wouldn't have to bend over anymore. I wrapped my legs around him. He pulled his lips from mine and began kissing and nibbling on my neck. I broke out into moans and hisses.


He didn't stop. It just made him go harder.


He still didn't stop, so I took my hand and yanked his hair. He finally looked at me.

"It's almost time for the kids to get up."

He groaned and put me down. I looked down and saw that he had a..."problem". I giggled.

"I can't believe I can still get you up after over 7 years."
"You're so beautiful."

I blushed and turned towards the sink so he couldn't see my face.

"Turn around."
"Let me see your face."

I obeyed. He leaned down and kissed me. I stood on my tippy toes and he put his hands around my waist to steady me. We pulled apart when we felt arms around us. We looked down to see Kari smiling.

"Morning baby."
"Does this mean we can go live with daddy again?"
"Not quite sweetie. I know you want both of your parents together, but some things are just not that easy."

She nodded and went in the living room to go watch TV.

"So, after that, we still might not get back together."
"I don't know. Luke, you hurt me. I can't just forget that."
"I'm in love with you."
"And I'm in love with you, but you still cheated on me."
"Do you want to be with me or not?"
"Yes. But we can't be how we were before. Not yet."
"That's good enough for me."

He gave me a peck on the lips.

"You might wanna go fix your "problem" before the kids see. I don't want Kari to ask "what's that lump in daddy's pants"."

He chuckled and went to the bathroom. I made breakfast and went to go get Kendall up, then I realized Luke was still in the bathroom, so I went in. I froze when I realized what he was doing. He was snorting some white powder with a straw.


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