Chapter 21: Work

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Kira POV:
"Luke, Kendall is 4 weeks old and you've barely been here."
"We're not having this conversation again. I work and I'm almost finished."

He walked out the door. Thank god, he didn't slam it or he would've woken up Kendall. I got a text from Kaneshia saying that she was coming over. I decided to get some cleaning done in the meantime. As soon as I got done with the dishes, Kaneshia walked in.

"You look like crap."
"Thanks. It's not as easy as I thought to be taking care of a baby and a 5 year old."
"Where's Luke?"
"We got in a argument and then he went to work. Maybe I've been too hard on him. I'm just really stressed."
"Go after him. I'll take care of everything here. I actually want to spend some time with my nephew."
"Thanks, Neisha."

I left and went straight to Luke's office. There wasn't anyone outside his office, so I walked straight in.

"Luke, I-"

That was the moment my heart broke in pieces. Luke was on his desk with a naked Cara on top of him. He pushed her off when he saw me.

"Baby, I-It's-"
"It's not what it looks like? So you're not cheating on me with that bitch? I just had your fucking baby and you're here fucking her. Is this why you're always here now?"
"Kira, I'm sorry."
"Me too. I'm sorry that I ever came back."
"Don't call me that. Who knows how many other girls you've called baby lately"
"Please, hear me out. Cara had the baby and we did a DNA test and it's my baby. So, it started out as me going over there to see Katie and then one night it just happened between me and Cara. Kira, I love you. I promise it won't happen again. Please, Kira."
"If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated. We haven't even been married a year. Our baby is four weeks old and you do this shit."
"Kira, please. Just think about it, ok? I'll sleep at my brother's house tonight and I'll be there in the morning. I promise, baby."

I couldn't stand there anymore. I walked out his office and went home.

Luke POV:

I turned and looked at Cara and saw that she was laughing.

"You think this shit funny? I might have just lost my wife. Why did I get back involve with you?"
"Because you love me."
"Get the fuck out, Cara and you're fired."
"Oh, where have I heard that before?"
"I mean it. I'm selling this company."

I left her standing there with her mouth agape. I went to Justin's house. He let me in and we went to the living room.

"Can I stay here tonight man?"
"What happened?"

I told him everything from when Kira left 5 years ago until this morning.

"What is the matter with you? You have this beautiful family and this loving wife at home who is the mother of both you kids and you cheat on her."
"I know. I fucked up. I'm gonna make it right."

For the rest of the day, Justin and I talked and watched football. I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around 10am, so I headed straight to my house.

I walked in and went to the room that I shared with Kira. She wasn't there. She probably took the kids to the park or she's with Kaneshia. I sat on the bed, but jumped off it when I felt something hard. It was Kira's wedding ring.

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