Chapter 23: Woah

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Kira POV

The party ended hours ago and Kari was in the living room playing with her new toys. The bitch that I once called my sister left after dropping off the man who refuses to sign the divorce papers at my house.

"Need help with anything?"
"Yes. I need you to leave."
"Kira, please. We need to talk about us."
"There is no us. There will never be an us again."
"I'm not changing my mind. Just go back to Cara."
"I can't."
"What? She realized what a pe-"
"Cara and the baby got in a car accident last year. The car got caught on fire and they both passed away"
"Yes. Kira, I just want to be a family again."
"So, if they were still here, you wouldn't be here right now? I'm not going to be anyone's 2nd choice."
"Kira. You don't get understand. I ended it with Cara when you left me. I only saw her when I was visiting Katie."
"Luke, please."
"No, I'm not giving up on my family and I'm not signing those divorce papers. I love you, Kira. I love Kari and Kendall."
"Oh please. You were too busy fucking Cara to even try to get to know your newborn son."
"I'm sorry, Kira. I don't know why I cheated. Kira, I can't take any of that back. But you can't keep me from my children because you're pissed at me."

I looked away because he was right.

"Please, Kira."
"Mommy, can daddy sleep over?"

I looked at the little girl who was leaning on her father. I didn't want to ruin her birthday.

"If he wants to."

She hugged me and then went back to play with her toys. Kendall then came in crawling.

"Hi, baby."

I picked him up and kissed his forehead.

"C-can I hold him?"
"Umm, sure."

I handed him Kendall. Kendall began laughing and then he burst into tears.

"Did I do something?"
"No, he's just hungry."

I handed Luke a ziploc bag of sliced bananas to feed Kendall.

When Kendall was finished eating, Luke put him on the floor and he crawled back to the living room where Kari was.

"Can you help me put them to bed?"

He nodded. I grabbed Kendall and walked to his room and put him in his crib. I rocked it until he fell asleep. I went to Kari's room to see that she was asleep. I went to my room and took my dress and bra off and turned to my closet to find something to wear to bed.

"Kira, c-"

I turned around to see Luke standing in the doorway. I saw his eyes lingering all over my body.

"I'm sorry. I should've knocked"

I nodded and waited for him to leave, but he continued to stare.

"Umm, Luke."
"Oh, sorry. Umm, when did you get those tattoos?"

I looked down at my the tattoo on my stomach. It was a heart with Kari and Kendall's names inside.

"A few months ago."

He nodded and his eyes lingered up and down my body.


He grabbed my neck and pulled my face to his. He slammed his lips into mine. I leaned into him, but pulled away when I realized what I was doing.

"Luke, no. I can't. Not with you."
"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me."

I looked into his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I can't do that. But that doesn't mean I'm just gonna take you back after what you did."
"Give me another chance, Kira. Please."
"I just wanna get some sleep, Luke."
"Alright. Goodnight, Kira."

He kissed my forehead and went to the living room to go to sleep. I threw on some pajamas and crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.

Kira and Luke✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora