Chapter 11: Live again

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Luke POV:
"Did you seriously follow me after I fired you and tell you I never wanna see you again?"
"Luke, she should know that you're going to have another kid."

I looked at Kira and saw that she had a look on her face that I never seen. It was a cross between angry, upset, and scared.

"Kira, it's not mine. I promise you."
"This is your baby, Luke."
"Cara, get out and don't you ever try to fuck up my family again or I'll make sure you'll regret it."

Cara started to walk out the house.


As soon as Cara turned around, Kira slapped her.

"Stay away from my daughter and boyfriend."

I looked at her when she said that last part. Cara walked out the house and slammed the door behind her. I smiled at Kira and went over to hug her.

"So,I'm your boyfriend now."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

I grabbed her hand and walked to the kitchen, where we found Kari on a stool, trying to get the animal crackers from the top shelf.

"Sorry, baby. Thought they were lower than that."

Kira went over to grab the crackers from the top shelf and handed them to Kari. I gave Kari a bottle of Apple juice.

"Aunt Kaneshia is coming to pick you up later and you'll spend the night with her and Rio."

Rio is Kaneshia's daughter.
"OK, mommy."

When she finished her snack, she went upstairs and packed a bag. After awhile, Kaneshia came in and Rio ran straight to Kari's room.

"Hey, thanks for taking Kari for the night."
"No problem."

I called Kari downstairs and we said our goodbyes and then they all left.

"So, we're alone."

There was a weird silence between us. It was never there before.

"What's wrong?"
"What if it really is your baby, Luke?"
"Kira if it is, which I highly doubt, me and you will figure it out."
"So, when did you two start having sex with each other?"
"Please. Luke, I just- I-"
"The day you told me the baby wasn't mine."

I watched as the sad expression laid upon her face.

"Kira, I'm not mad at you for that. You were scared. I understand."

She nodded and gave me a small smile. I opened the refrigerator and then closed it when I didn't find what I was looking for.

"Do you really have no beer?"
"Nope, but I do have vodka."
She went to the cabinet above the fridge and pulled out a bottle of peach Vodka. I grabbed two glasses and we went to her bedroom. We talked and dranked for a while.

"Yes, baby."
"I don't want our first time since we got back together to be because we were drunk. I want it to happen naturally and when I'm ready."
"OK. I just thought you needed to loosen up a bit because you looked really tense."
"I'm fine."
"You sure?"

I didn't completely believe her, but I decided to drop it. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. I grinned when I heard her cute giggle.
"I'm ready."

Kira and Luke✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin