Chapter 36

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It's been 5 months since I last seen or spoken to Luke. I've tried. I even went up to the jail, but they said we were not on the list. He hasn't even sent a letter. I'm due any minute now. He won't be here for the birth of our twins. I've grown to hate him. How could he jeopardize us? How could he do something that can cause him to leave us stranded? I still don't know what he did.

I finished packing the last box. I reached down to pick it up when I felt a familiar sense of wetness between my legs. I dropped the box and looked down. Liquid slid down my legs and onto the hardwood floor. I grabbed the bags that I've already prepared.

"Kendall! Kylie! Come on! My water broke!"

I heard rumbling from upstairs and then Kendall and Kylie began running downstairs. Kendall grabbed the bags out my hands and grabbed Kylie's hand, taking them to the car. I wobbled to the car and was greeted by Niles.

"Hello, Madam. Just sit tight and we'll be there shortly."

He took off and I began having contractions. I looked over to see the worried faces of my kids.

"It's okay. The babies just really want to get out."

They nodded.

"Mom, Kaneshia is on her way and Kari, Scar and Rio are gonna be here later."

I nodded as another contraction came along. By the time we reached the hospital, my contractions were 5 minutes apart. We rushed to the front desk.

"Help me! I'm in labor!"
"Ok, ma'am. Calm down. What is your name?"
"Kira Strong."
"Ok, can you fill out this form?"

I couldn't wait that long. I swallowed and snapped my eyes shut. I hated doing this.

"My husband is Luke Strong."

Her eyes widened and she placed the form back on her desk.

"I'm so sorry. Follow me."

She led me into a big room, while Kendall and Luke stayed in the waiting room. Kaneshia was going to be with me during delivery. Another contraction came along as my doctor walked in.

"Hi, Mrs. Strong. How are you?"
"How the hell do you think?"
"Okay. How do you wanna give birth? Natural? Epidural? Hy-"
"Doctor, please give me some epidural and get them out of me!"

He took a step back and scribbled something on his sheet.

"I'm sorry."
"It's totally normal."

30 minutes later, Kaneshia came in the door as the doctor was finishing giving me epidural.

"Hi. How close are you?"
"He's about to check now."

He stuck his finger inside me and then 'quickly pulled it out.

"Well, Mrs.Strong, you are 9 ½ centimeters."

The babies began kicking hard and I just couldn't wait to get them out. I began pushing and I stopped when I felt something move. The doctor was walking out when he stopped.

"I can see a head. Push Mrs.Strong."

I began pushing with all I had.

9 hours later.

I smiled at the 2 beautiful babies in front of me. The door opened and in came Kari with a huge baby bump, Kylie, Rio, Scar and Kendall.

"Hi. Ready to meet your brothers."

They smiled and came closer. I pointed at the gray-eyed baby to the left.

"This is Judah Isaiah Strong."

I pointed at the brown-eyed baby to the right.

"And this is Jonah Michael Strong."

"They're perfect."
"They look like daddy."

I smiled as Kari and Kylie kissed their foreheads. I watched as another emotion ran across Kari's face.

"What's wrong?"
"My water broke."

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