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Kira POV:

The car stopped in front of the home that I haven't seen in almost a week. Over the course of that week, a series of unfortunate events have occurred. Kari and Scar lost their daughter. They named her Rose Mari Watson. She passed away sometime during birth. The doctors believe that Rose's heart failed. Kari has been a mess. Neither of us wanted to come home, so we've been staying with Kaneshia for a few days, Allowing Olivia to bond with her new little cousins. I saw how hard it was for Kari to watch everyone coo over Judah and Jonah, while her baby is gone. We just left Rose's funeral. She was beautiful.

I walked in our home, carrying the twins. As I put the twins, who were in their carriers, down on the floor. I looked up and came face to face with my husband. Or soon to be ex husband.


'I-I'm home."

I saw as he glanced at the twins.

"W-wow. They...their perfect. What are their names?"

I snorted.

"It's sad that you fu- freaking have to ask. You should've been there. I haven't heard from you in months. You wouldn't put us on your visitation list. We didn't get a single letter. How could you do that to your kids? To me? We needed you. You left us defenseless and unprotected."

He seemed taken back by my words. As if he gave a damn.

"I'm sorry. I am. I c- I couldn't face you. I left in handcuffs, Kira. While I was in jail, all I could think about was that scared look in Kylie's eyes, the hatred in Kendall's and the hurt look on your face. But Kira, I'm here now. I can take care of all of you now and I'm not leaving."

"Luke, we have to leave."

"No, you're not lea-"

"Luke, all your money is gone. The IRS gave us 30 days. Well, now it's 10. We're broke. They said something about fraud and how you weren't placing the company money the correct way or something."

"I'm so sorry. I'm gonna fix this. I-I..."

I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"Luke, we're okay. We are gonna be fine."

"Kira, I don't know how to.."

"Live without money. I've noticed. We can do it. Together."

"Do the kids know?"


He put his head in his hands.

"Kira, why did you send your lawyer to the jail with divorce papers?"

"Luke, I-"

We were interrupted by Judah crying. I walked to him and picked him up.

"Shh..it's okay, Judah. I'm here."

He began to quiet down. I turned to see Jonah still sleeping.

"You named him after my father.", he stated with a grin.

"Yeah. Judah Isaiah and Jonah Michael."

"I love it. Can I hold him?"

I nodded. I placed Judah in his arms. He held Judah to his chest. I watched as he kissed his forehead.

"I missed another birth, Kira. We have five kids and I've only seen two of them be born."

"Yeah. I'm really tired of doing this by myself."'

"You'll never have to. Not again. I love you."

My heart fluttered, hearing him say those words once again. I smiled and walked over to Jonah, who was slowly waking up. I picked him up and sat on the couch. Luke sat next to me with Judah.

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