Chapter 5: I Miss You

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This chapter might be a little short, so I'm sorry. But you will definitely love this chapter. It is one of my personal favorites. 😍😍😍😘😘

Luke POV:

It's been three months since I walked away from Kira. Three months since we broke up. Three months since I got my life back together.

"Mr.Strong, this was just delivered addressed to you."

My assistant handed me the envelope and walked out my office.

I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter inside. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it had Kira's name written on the folded paper.

Dear Lucas Strong,

It's me. Kira. You probably already knew that when you picked up the envelope. If you even opened it. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I moved out of the house and I'm finally living on my own. I'm two months clean and that's all thanks to you. Because if it wasn't for you, I would've never gotten pregnant. And if I never got pregnant, I don't know where I'd be. I know I should tell you in person, but I was scared of how you'd react. I'm three months pregnant and I don't expect you to want anything to do with it.I can handle it on my own. Well, I guess that's it. Goodbye,Luke.

This can't be right. I can't be a dad right now. I turned over the the envelope to see nothing was written on it.

"Yes, sir?"
"Who delivered this?"
"Some woman came up and said give it to you. I asked her name and she said you would know."

I dismissed her. Kira was right outside that door and I didn't get to see her. It wasn't until that moment that I realized that I loved her.

Kira POV

I finally got back home and I went to my bedroom and realized that I still wasn't finished unpacking. I really didn't wanna do it, but I knew it had to be done. I was almost finished when one of the boxes fell on the ground. I groaned and picked it up and saw that it was full of Kaneshia's stuff. I must've grabbed it on accident. I'll get KJ to drop it off tomorrow. I picked up her things that fell out the box. I noticed that one of the books in her box had something sticking out of it, so I pulled it out and was shocked to see that it was cocaine. I opened the bag and debated on what to do.

I told you this chapter was going to be real short. There's another chapter coming. I think I did good. Two chapters in one day.

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