Chapter 19: We Can Work This Out

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Luke POV:

I jumped off the bed and I walked to the other side of the room. I didn't trust myself to be around her.

"Luke, please hear me out."
"For what, Kira? So, you can tell me how you were a fuckin whore?"

I saw the sadness rushed into her eyes before they were taken over by anger.

"I'm a whore? You were fucking your assistant for five years, but it's different because I'm a woman, right?"
"Don't even make this about me. You're the one who got pregnant by Dak and then got scared and backed out."
"It wasn't Dak's."
"Wow, so you cheated on him too."
"OK, first of all, it was before me and Dak even got together and second of all, I'm sorry that I didn't want both my children to be siblings and cousins."
"What? It was Justin's?"
"Oh my god, Kira. Is there anyone else in my family you've fuck?"
"I didn't know he was your brother. I met him at the park and he was nice so we exchanged numbers and then one day he came over and we had sex. After he left I google the number and his facebook popped up and I saw his last name and that he was married, so I broke it off. And a few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant and Kari was barely one, so I got an abortion."
"Kira, how- did you purposely ignore my question?"

She looked away from me.

"Kira, have you had sex with anyone else in my family?"
"No. I-I just may have made out with your sister once or twice."
"Wait, what?"
"I don't want to talk about it, Luke. Please."
"I can't believe you."
"We weren't together. You have no right to be mad. Like, I have no right to be mad about Cara. I'm sorry, but I have a past. So do you, but I don't judge you for it. If you want me to leave, say it and I'll take my children and leave. If not, chill the fuck out."

I stared at her, not saying a word. She nodded her head and pulled a suitcase from under the bed. I grabbed her arm and made her look at me.

"I'm sorry."
"First night back and we're already fighting."
"I know. I promise we won't fight over anything like that ever again."

I kissed her forehead and slid her suitcase back under the bed. I chuckled at a memory that popped in my head.

"What is it about this room that makes you wanna leave me?"

She giggled and kissed me.

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