Chapter 28: Damn

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Kira POV:

It's been two months since I last saw Luke. There was some weird policy at the facility that we couldn't see him until he completed the program. Supposed to help motivate the patients. We wrote each other every week. He calls every 4 days. The kids miss him. He's due to come home in a week I think. I was playing with Kendall. I was tickling his tummy.


I froze. He finally said his first word after weeks of me trying to get him to say it. I kinda feel bad that Luke missed it.

"Oh my god. Good job, Kendall."

Me and Kari started clapping as Kendall giggled. There was a knock on the door, so I handed Kari Kendall and opened the door.


Luke looked totally different. He gained a little weight and he grew out a beard. It wasn't a long beard. It was kinda sexy. His curly hair was longer.

"You just gonna stare at me."

His voice has this raspy thing going on. It was beyond sexy. I jumped in his arms. He kissed me and pressed me against his body. I pulled away and grabbed his hand and took him to where the kids were.


Kari sat Kendall on the couch and hugged Luke.

"I missed you daddy."
"I missed you too baby."

He pulled away and grabbed Kendall.

"I missed this little guy too."

Luke's eyes widened and a huge smile came across his face, then it was replaced with a frown.

" I missed his first words, didn't I."
"He just said his first word right before you came."

He nodded.

"So, how do you feel?"
"Better than ever. So, when do you move in?"
"Ugh, I'm tired of moving."

He smirked.

"How about Friday?"

He kissed me and caressed my cheek.


We pulled away and looked down at Kari who had her hand over Kendall's eyes.

"Take your brother and go get your jackets."

She nodded and they left.

"Where are we going?"
"To KJ and his psychotic wife's house. They're having a barbeque."
"Ok, but we're stoppinging at my house first, so I can change."

I nodded. We waited for the kids to come back then we went to Luke's house. He went and changed into a T-shirt and slacks. I drove to their house and was greeted by KJ.

"Damn Kira. It's been awhile."

I hugged him. He hugged back tightly. I heard Luke clear his throat and we pulled away. I winced when Luke grabbed my waist tightly. KJ walked over into a crowd.

"Why'd you do that?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."

I glared at him and was about to comment when that bitch walked up to us.

"Aunt Kaneshia!"

Kari ran to Kaneshia and hugged her. Kari ran off to find Rio.

"So, you two are back together now? What you finally settled for being 2nd to Cara?"
"Cara and the baby passed away a year ago."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Luke."

He nodded and I took his hand and Kendall's and led us to the other side of the yard.

"You didn't have to do that."
"I can't stand her."

Kendall started playing with fallen leaves.

"If it wasn't for her, we would've never gotten together."

I nodded. We started there and talked for awhile and then we heard a loud commotion come from inside the house. We went in to be nosey and I gasped when I saw who it was. He turned around and looked at me.


There standing in front of me was the father who abandoned me when I was 6.

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