Chapter 22: Take Me To The River

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Kira POV:

"Come on, Kendall. You can do it."

My eyes widened as the two year old wobbled towards me. Kari and I began clapping.

"Mommy's so proud of you."

He giggled and flopped back on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and he crawled behind me. I stood on my tippy toes and open the top cabinet to get some oranges.

"Mommy, can I ask you something?"
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Will daddy be at my birthday party?"

I froze and close my eyes. I know it's been really hard on her without Luke these past couple of years and I know it's super wrong for me to keep the kids from him because our marriage didn't work out. We haven't seen each other in over a year since I brought him divorce papers. He asked to see the kids, but I told him he'll never see them again. That they were MY kids. Kari asked every day for six months after we left if she'll ever see him again. I simply told her I didn't know. I know I'm going to have to let her have an relationship with him or she's gonna grow up hating him, or me, or thinking that's it's her fault. I turned around and looked at her.

"I don't know,baby."
"That's what you said last year."
"I know sweetie. I'm sorry."
"It's OK mommy."

She turned around and went to play with Kendall. I dialed the number of the person that I have been dreading to see for over a year.

"Hi, Kaneshia."
"Yea, it's me."
"What do you want?"
"I was just trying to be civil and invite you to your niece's birthday party."
"I might be there."
"Yeah. Whatever bye."

I hung up and sighed. Kaneshia and I haven't talked in a long time. She was angry with me because KJ and I were hanging out and she lashed out at me and then she accused KJ of beating her and I didn't believe her because she was obviously lying. The only reason I invited her was because Kari missed Rio. I took the kids to the park, where we met up with my friend Riley and her kids. I met Riley when I moved here at this very park. Kari ran straight for the swings. Kendall wasn't big enough to get on anything at this park.

"Hey Kira. Hey Kendall.", she said playing with his hand.
"He took his first steps earlier."
"Awe, I missed it."

She winced and began rubbing her baby bump.

"How much longer until your due date?"
"9 weeks."

We talked for a while and then we went home.

I made the kids dinner and then put them to bed. I set up some of the outdoor decorations for Kari's birthday party and then went to bed.

The next day

I jumped up and made pancakes and French toast. I stuck a candle in the pancake and headed to Kari's room. I shook her awake.

"Happy Birthday baby girl."

She gave me a wide toothed smile. She blew out the candle. I cut her pancakes and feed her. I always do this on her birthday and when she's sick or feeling like she's not getting enough attention because of Kendall.
When she was finish, I moved the tray.

"Thank you mommy."
"Your welcome sweetie."

7 hours later- 5:00 pm

Friends began arriving for Kari's birthday party. All the kids ran straight to backyard where the bouncy house and water slide was. All the adults gathered in the kitchen while the teens were in the living room. I was going outside with Riley to check on the kids. Kari was in the bouncy house with her friend Kayla. She ran to me when she saw me.

"Mommy, are you going to get in the bouncy house with me?"
"I will later. I promise baby."

I turned around and saw Kaneshia and Rio walk out my house. Kari ran up to hug them. After hugging her, Rio ran to me and hugged my leg.
"I brought you a big present, Kari."
"Turn around."

We both turned around to see Luke standing there.


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