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I placed the last box in the living room of our new home. The kids were upstairs unpacking and Luke and Kaneshia was getting the twins out the car. Niles, our now former butler, hugged me. It was a rare form of affection that Niles never showed. I've never even seen the man smile.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you, Niles."

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Strong."

He let me go and left. He was a good man.

"Hey, honey."

Luke and Kaneshia put the boys in the crib that was temporarily residing in the living room. Kari walked in carrying the baby bag.

"So. this is home."

"Yeah. "

"A new beginning."

The apartment that we have now isn't really that bad. We were lucky to get a 4 bedroom apartment so cheap. It is actually pretty spacious in here.

"Speaking of new beginning..", Kaneshia said quietly.

"Oh my god. You're pregnant!"

"What? N-no! I got offered a job. A CEO position."

"Oh, my god. That's amazing, but what about your job. You love being at the company."

"I do, but this is a better offer and it pays better."

"Well, no matter what you do, we're proud of you."

"Thanks for saying that. I leave tonight."

"What do you mean leave? Where is this job?"

"It's at a fashion company in Paris. They offered it a month ago."

"And we're just hearing about it."

"I'm sorry, but there is always something going on with you. It wasn't the right time."

"You're leaving me."

"Kira, we're not little kids. You don't need me anymore. You're married with 5 kids."

"But you're still my sister."

"I know."

She hugged me and I wiped a tear off my face.

"I'm really glad your mom adopted me. She gave me my best friend."

"She gave me a sister."

I hugged her tighter.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thank you."

I let her go.

"There's one more thing.."


"Mom, Kaneshia told me first and I sent in my portfolio to the company and I got the job. I'm the new assistant designer."

"Absolutely not."


"You just graduated, Kari. You aren't ready."

"Mom, this has been my dream since you bought me my first sewing machine. Of course, right now, my clothes won't be all over Paris, but they will one day. Dad, you're the one who said that when you want something, take it. I want this and I want you to be proud of me."
"We are. We just- You're still our baby. No matter what, you will always be our baby girl and we're not ready to let you go."

"Please, mom."

"Okay, Kari. You have our blessings."

"Thank you."

She wrapped her arm around me and I squeezed her tightly.

"We have to go pack. Bye guys."

They left us standing there.

Luke hugged me from behind.

"I love you so much.", he whispered in my ear.

"I love you more."

I leaned up and kissed him. He was about to deepen it when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and gasped when I saw who was standing there.


"Kira. I-I live next door. I didn't know it was you. I came to welcome you to the neighborhood."

" Umm, thank you."

"So, you live here now? What happened to that big house of yours?"

"We lost it, so we're here now."

"We? You're still with him."

"Yes, I am."

"How's Kari?"

"She's great. She just turned 22 last week."

"22?", he said with surprise.

"Yeah. We also have a 16 year old boy, a 7 year old daughter, and 3 week old twin boys."

"Oh, wow. I always wanted us to have a family."

"Dak, that was 18 years ago. I'm married. I love my husband and our kids."

"Oh, no, Kira, I meant that I always wanted me and my wife to have a family."

"Oh. You're married."

"Yeah. For 10 years."

"That's great."

"Baby, who's at the door?"

Luke appeared behind me and I watched as his eyes darkened. His jaw clenched.

"Luke, this our new neighbor. You remember Dak, right?"

"Yes, I remember. Stay away from my wife."

"Luke, stop. He's married. It's fine."

He looked up at Dak, who was standing awkwardly at the door.

"Have a nice day."

Luke closed the door in Dak's face.



"He's been married for 10 years. He's not even interested in me.""

"Are you interested in him?

"Are you serious. We've been married for 18 years. Why would I want him? I love you."

"I'm sorry. It's just that he touched you. He touched what's mine. I don't know how he managed to move on."

Dak POV:

I walked in my room and laid on the empty bed. She looks even more beautiful. I didn't realize how much I blew it with her until just now. If I didn't suggest that Kari go away, we would be married with kids. I wouldn't be alone. I don't know why I lied to her. I just don't know.

Luke POV:

I pulled Kira closer to me as I deepened the kiss. I moaned as she fumbled with my belt.

"The kids, Kira."

"Lock the door."

"No, Because what I want to do to you requires a empty house and involves you being on every surface of this house."

I watched as her eyes dilated. She bit her lip and nodded.

"Okay.", she said as she pouted.

I chuckled and pulled her closer to me. I pecked her lips. She smiled at me. I caressed her cheek.



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