Chapter 13: Oh boy

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Kira POV:

Months have passed since Luke and I got engaged. 3 to be exact. The entire wedding was planned now, we just have to wait for the date which was in a month. I don't know if it was because of excitement or if I was scared, but I've been feeling kinda funny lately.

"Hey beautiful."
"Hey. You're finally off work.", I said as I hugged him.

I pulled away as I felt a lump in his pants.

"OK, did I do something to turn you on or..."
"N-no. I mean you l- IT'S NOT THAT!"

I giggled at how uncomfortable he was. He pulled a long black box out of his pocket.

"It's this."
"Aww, I was hoping it was what I thought it was."
"Maybe after you open it."

I laughed and then opened the box. Inside there was a key.

"Oh my god. You got me a car?!"
"Umm, no. I-I got you a key to my place for you and Kari to move in with me."
"I just assumed that you would move in with us."
"My place is alot bigger, Kira."
"But I love my cozy house."
"Kira, I'm gonna let you think about it."

I dropped the conversation. He sat on the loveseat and I sat on his lap. We enjoyed a few minutes of silence until Kari was supposed to be home.

"How'd I get so lucky to have a beautiful fiancee and daughter?"

I kissed him and as soon as he was about to deepen it Kari walked through the door. We pulled apart and I got off his lap.

"Mommy! Daddy!"
"Hey baby. How was school?"
"It was fun. I drew a picture of you and daddy and me."
"Aww. You can show me when I get back from the doctor."
"Why are you going to the doctor?"
"Just a checkup, sweetie."

She nodded and went upstairs to her room. I grabbed my keys and went to hug Luke.

"I'll be back later, babe."

He kissed my forehead and I left.

Luke POV:

I watched the game between the Heat and the Raptors, while Kari drew a picture beside me.

"Yes baby?"
"When you mommy get married, will you ever get a divorce?"
"Of course not. I love you both too much."
"What about Cara?"
"I heard aunt Kaneshia talking about her with uncle KJ."
"Don't you worry about her."

She nodded and started coloring.

Kira POV:
"Ms.Wilde, you are in impeccable health."

Before I could respond a nurse came in with a folder and whispered something to Dr.Reid.

"Sorry, Ms.Wilde. We mixed you up with another patient."
"So,I'm not healthy."
"You're the healthiest pregnant woman I've ever seen."
"Yes. 13 weeks to be exact. We can actually do an ultrasound right now if you'd like."
"I'd like that."

He pulled this cart over to me and lifted up my shirt and put some cold jelly on my stomach. I looked at the monitor and saw it. Well him to be correct.

"It's a boy."

After he printed out copies of He gave me a bunch of pamphlets about taking care of myself. I zoned out as he was talking. I sat in the car and tried to make sense of all this. How do I tell Luke? I called Kaneshia and told her.

"You're Pregnant! This is so excited!"
"No,it's not. You know what Dak told me about how Luke made his exes get abortions."
"Kira, he loves you. You're getting married in a month."
"You're right. I can't wait to tell him."

We said goodbye and I went home to find Luke on the couch and Kari asleep beside him. When he saw me, he got up and took me upstairs.

"How was the doctor?"
"Yeah. He said I'm the healthiest pregnant woman he's ever seen..."
"You're pregnant?!"
"It's a boy and I'm not giving up th-"

He interrupted me by kissing me.

"I love you, Kira."
"I love you too, Luke."

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